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8.1 Hours played
Fallen Aces is not only an incredibly well made first person shooter, with an artstyle that is reminiscisnt of old comic books, but is a fantastic game over all. I adore the little things of this game, such as voicelines for picking up guns, enemies having conversations between each other, the overall style of the game, dialouge, music. I love this game, and you should play it too, as episode 1 is insanely good. Ive played through the entire episode and had fun the whole way through. While the conclusion was a little lack luster, it is only the first episode, and with more to come im sure that the story will improve and that point will become moot. Incredible game all around.

Edit: In a recent update, they fixed specifically the fact that Chapter 2 had a confusing second objective, and that you cant attack while sprinting, so ive removed those parts of my review B)

Darkness can also be absolutely BLINDING unless you pull out your lighter. Again, this is another pedantic issue as many of the dark areas in this game are areas you dont need to enter, and any important area your going to do combat in will be lit up for you to see, but I feel like at least a lil vision in these areas without your lighter would be nice. Other than that its not much of an issue.

My last complaint is of the gore... its very jarring to say the least. I dont *mind* it, as this is a shooter game im shooting people with guns, they are gonna bleed, but the people popping into visceral parts just kinda seems a bit of a drastic turn for the comic book, silly / serious mix that the game likes to take. Like a step too far almost, yknow? The option to turn off people blowing up into bits (and maybe just falling over dead instead) would be nice for extra imersion. Again, pedantic issue I know, but I felt it worth mentioning.

Despite my complaints, this game is great, and I cant wait to see what more the game has to offer.

Edit: Ive also reviewed this on my website! (https://zombiethederg.neocities.org/FallenAcesReview)
ZombieTheDerg Apr 3, 2021 @ 3:45pm 
Not much
NeXtGen Apr 3, 2021 @ 1:53pm 
what is up my dude :Pterodactyl:
ZombieTheDerg Apr 3, 2021 @ 1:47pm 
ZombieTheDerg May 17, 2020 @ 5:08pm 
Ah hello freind
NeXtGen May 15, 2020 @ 4:49pm 
Welcome back