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_//:LePointBAT | Apr 25, 2020 @ 12:26am 
In connection with the quarantine in the world, we conduct giveaways in support of players who are at home.
I congratulate your Steam id64 was chosen randomly using the random number generator.
You can get 5 Unusual items TF2 and select the desired effect.
Get it at
use your code:>2xGMx#2<- (This code can only use this account)
limon Jan 13, 2020 @ 4:08am 
We are pleased to inform you that with the help of the SteamID generator we generate a random id, your identifier has been generated and
You have the opportunity to receive such items:

★Unusual Blighted Beak Unusual Effect |Green Energy★
★Unusual Patriot Peak |Unusual Effect | Tesla Coil★
★Unusual HazMat Headcase Unusual Effect: Burning Flames★
★Unusual Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood Unusual Effect | Burning Flames★
★Unusual Samur-Eye Unusual Effect: Burning Flames★
★Unusual Caribbean Conqueror Unusual Effect: Scorching Flames★
★Unusual Le Party Phantom Unusual Effect: Massed Flies★
★Unusual Brainiac Hairpiece Unusual Effect: Searing Plasma ★
★Unusual Dread Hiding Hood Unusual Effect: Purple Energy ★
★★You can choose a different effect for each of these items.★★

Your unique code "H111BekNSO" for receiving these items
use it here -> {LINK REMOVED}
This code can only be used by your account.
sws Jan 8, 2020 @ 6:51am 
We are pleased to inform you that with the help of the SteamID generator we generate a random id, your identifier has been generated and
You have the opportunity to receive such items:

★Unusual Blighted Beak Unusual Effect |Green Energy★
★Unusual Patriot Peak |Unusual Effect | Tesla Coil★
★Unusual HazMat Headcase Unusual Effect: Burning Flames★
★Unusual Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood Unusual Effect | Burning Flames★
★Unusual Samur-Eye Unusual Effect: Burning Flames★
★Unusual Caribbean Conqueror Unusual Effect: Scorching Flames★
★Unusual Le Party Phantom Unusual Effect: Massed Flies★
★Unusual Brainiac Hairpiece Unusual Effect: Searing Plasma ★
★Unusual Dread Hiding Hood Unusual Effect: Purple Energy ★
★★You can choose a different effect for each of these items.★★

Your unique code "H111BekNSO" for receiving these items
use it here -> {LINK REMOVED}
This code can only be used by your account.