Wet Socks
Fallzzy_   United States
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Drenched Echoes: Tales of Wet Socks
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate beach. The rhythmic symphony of crashing waves resonated in the air as I wandered along the shoreline, the sand beneath my feet shifting like a forgotten hourglass. The tide, unpredictable and capricious, ambushed me with an unexpected surge, its frothy fingers reaching higher than anticipated. In an instant, the salty sea claimed my shoes and, inevitably, my socks. The water, a blend of icy whispers and seafoam dreams, stealthily seeped through the fabric, leaving my once-dry socks drenched in the tales of an impromptu dance with the ocean. The beach, now my stage, witnessed the ephemeral drama of the tide's untamed choreography, and my soaked socks became the silent memoirs of an unexpected aquatic encounter.
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Counter-Strike 2
Oarwei 14 FEB a las 9:11 
+rep pretty good player <3
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+rep pretty good player <3
dorp (of the south) 14 FEB a las 5:53 
+rep pretty good player <3
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+rep pretty good player <3
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+rep pretty good player <3
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+rep pretty good player <3