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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 16.4 hrs on record
Posted: Dec 28, 2020 @ 2:22pm
Updated: Nov 7, 2021 @ 4:34pm
Product received for free

Impossible geometry made possible
Manifold Garden manages to create uniquely intricate physics-bending puzzles whilst utilizing the same core gameplay elements from start to finish. Their synergy and how they complement the puzzles is the core reason why Manifold Garden's deceptively simple gameplay loop was so enjoyable.

And the very first puzzle establishes rule 'numero uno' – that which was a wall once, can be the floor now. There are six different planes you can shift your perspective to, each tied to a specific colour, in turn enabling you to interact with items corresponding to said colour. The game doesn’t tell you this; There is no long wall of text explaining every mechanic and instead utilizes the show, don't tell approach. A perfect example is how the game handles un-interactable items. If you aren’t standing in the correct plane, their colour tells you they aren't intractable. They'll always be white, with just a hint of their true colour. This lack of hand-holding is something I personally love in games. While it can lead to some head-scratching moments, it also creates that "Eureka" moment once you finally find the solution.

Isaac Newton who?
We are all very closely acquainted with gravity, but you must rediscover it once more. In this physics-bending and seemingly nonsensical world, gravity works in a slightly unconventional way. It only affects the current plane you occupy whilst freezing everything in place for the other. As such, manipulating your perspective, constantly shifting it and manoeuvring items will prove challenging, but once you open your mind to the beauty of Manifold Garden's physics-bending puzzles, it becomes oh so satisfying. But what happens when there is a chasm between you and your goal? You can't jump, and sometimes no amount of plane-shifting will get you to the other side. Well, all it takes is a simple leap of faith. Since each structure is endlessly repeated, taking that plunge into the unending abyss allows you to land right on top of it. As someone who isn't on friendly terms with towering heights, I had a period of adjustment to the game's rules. So take note of this, as it may cause some uneasiness while playing.


Entering a new puzzle room will often yield a familiar sight - a lonely power slot, coloured cubes dangling from a tree, and (another) locked door. This may appear simple enough; just pluck a cube, place cube in the slot, and (un)presto!!!...the door (still) doesn't open. Well, the game is a bit more challenging than it lets on. Each power slot is colour coded, and as such, activating it requires the use of a cube matching its tint. This frequently requires clever manoeuvring of two different coloured cubes; perhaps creating a bridge or a cube sandwich? The game later introduces a couple of new mechanics, that add to the already complex gameplay, complicating your life as you juggle cubes around. You'll be able to alter the path of a stream, grow your very own cube trees or even change the colour of cubes. The end goal will always stay the same, power on the door for your adventure to continue.

But surely there is something more than just opening a way forward?

Of course there is, as you are seeking the almighty God cubes. You see, a foul corruption has spread across the world of Manifold Garden and enthralled its many gardens. Restoring these God cubes to each root slot is your ultimate goal and the only way to dispel this corruption and bring back the vibrant colours. With each new garden come new challenging puzzles. Despite a sense of familiarity between them, the game introduces new gameplay mechanics at the ideal moment. It's always the last puzzle of each garden that does so, with those leading up to it reinforcing your prior knowledge.

While it was a marvellous experience for me, as a casual puzzle gamer, I certainly see how it could disappoint the more seasoned puzzle gamers. The lack of a real challenge many of these puzzles might probably pose could disincentivize them to keep playing. But the devs created a scenario just for this occasion – a secret way of finishing the game. So, if you fancy yourself a puzzle game connoisseur, take the plunge and re-explore the world of Manifold Garden once more, pursue the seemingly impossible, and finish the game without placing a single God cube.


The beauty of repetition
The game has a minimalistic, almost completely stark aesthetic. Each structure is constructed out of simple textureless polygons. Looking at them up close might yield an unimpressive sight, but taking a step back opens you to the true beauty of Manifold Garden. The clean, stark aesthetic lends itself perfectly in creating enthralling never-ending rows of simple, yet complex structures stretching to infinity. And throughout my journey, the sublime soundtrack was the perfect minstrel, capturing the sense of awe and mystery surrounding this strange world.


Final words
Manifold Garden is a stellar, physics-bending puzzler with the synergy of core gameplay mechanics keeping the game interesting from start to finish. It's astonishing how beautifully this game is, creating complex and never-ending structures out of simple polygons. Couple that with its marvellous soundtrack, and you get a serene experience that is hard to put into words.

If you enjoyed this review, come and read more wisdom from the Gospel of Sv. Prolivije.

I want to thank the people over at William Chyr Studio for providing a review key for this surreal experience.
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Sv. Prolivije Nov 7, 2021 @ 7:15pm 
I hope you have fun. As someone who never really played many puzzle games before Manifold (only a couple of hours of the Witness), I enjoyed my time with it immensely.
kac41556 Nov 7, 2021 @ 7:05pm 
Great review. I'll have to try this some time.
Two Clicks Jan 15, 2021 @ 7:25am 
Ur extensive review is about as far as I will ever get to playing this game. Seems like I should be paying you for the privilege!
Sv. Prolivije Dec 31, 2020 @ 7:58pm 
@jxt09 i would say if you have something else to play you could wait, but for about 10€ it is worth it.
genkicoll Dec 31, 2020 @ 4:15pm 
Fantastic review, thank you!
ready2b Dec 31, 2020 @ 7:44am 
Fantastic review!
I just love the gifs you include. Very beauty, much mesmerize. Wow. :tobdog:
Jxt09 Dec 29, 2020 @ 12:26pm 
Wow, thanks for the impressive review. I have this on my wishlist and hve been thinking of getting it or waiting for a better price.
Drugo⚸a Dec 29, 2020 @ 11:03am 
Excellent review! Very well written and really helpful. I've had my eyes on this game ever since I saw some screenshots in the feed. Now I know what to expect in a bit more detail. And for once, I don't mind a lack of a proper story. That usually makes these pure puzzlers just more mysterious :WhiteCube1::TheBlackCube:
Amirite Dec 29, 2020 @ 7:23am 
I despise tending to gardens, as well as solving puzzles, but you compelled me to try this one out as it seems to be a pure joy to play through. :D
MaverickZealot Dec 29, 2020 @ 4:47am 
It's been a while since I played a proper puzzle game, but this one looks like a really interesting one. Gonna keep my eye on it now; thanks for the review.