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0.3 hrs last two weeks / 2,557.7 hrs on record (1,355.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 15, 2020 @ 3:23pm
Updated: May 24, 2023 @ 11:06am

This game is getting review bombed to hell by people who think they are making a difference. Heres my take on the situation.

The game is only free to play until around 6.0, after that the grind is a slog unless you buy a premium vehicle or premium time, this I am perfectly fine with. Top tier is just a game of who shot first anyways and most players don't reach that point to begin with.

The economy everybody is complaining about is entirely fine minus ground RB research, that CAN be improved. However, SL gains and RP gains in every other gamemode is fine.

What the real issue here is the sheer amount of p2w premium aircraft and tanks past the 8.0 bracket that prevent tech tree vehicles from doing well in the vast majority of situations, basically creating a hardcap for f2p players due to being stomped on by stuff significantly more powerful than their own.

That is the real issue, the way this community is going about trying to fix it is childish, spamming in game chat for a boycot and calling anyone who has any other opinion a Gaijin shill.

Overall, if you like WW2 tanks and aircraft this is the game for you, if you want to go further than that then id recommend purchasing a mid tier premium for about $30, that will get you going in air at least, id avoid top tier ground.
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