Inshallah hehehe siuuu
Sup dawg🤙

I make beats for soundcloud rappers.

*DEAD* Veco‎ : 64tick and 30+ ping
*DEAD* Veco‎ : you know the settings for low ping?
*DEAD* Veco‎ : i guess not
*DEAD* Veco‎ : you're a bit ♥♥♥♥♥♥ from latvia

● aCri^;DDD‎ : we are reporting u every round since like round n3
● aCri^;DDD‎ : so do whatever u want
● aCri^;DDD‎ : bc ure cheating

Slype‎ : your family will be dead tomorrow
Vetrina degli oggetti
Ligrete 13 lug 2021, ore 8:35 
педик с подрубом
jake 3 mar 2021, ore 9:25 
cringe knife homie
Kathrinius 3 mar 2021, ore 4:06 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
ЗигМаc 22 feb 2021, ore 5:08 
GNL 30 gen 2021, ore 11:16 
add to trade
Mario furro 23 gen 2021, ore 10:40 
+𝙍𝙀𝙋 chill guy and very good player