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Jan | cryptoluna.tf 29 apr. la 2:04 
I wish you a good start in the week! :LoveBetrayal:
Feel free to join my Discord: https://discord.gg/RWmFaysQjt :lave:
Cookieofcool 21 apr. la 23:04 
Jan | cryptoluna.tf 19 apr. la 2:49 
Feel free to join: https://discord.gg/7dSrBbS85r :LoveBetrayal:
Wish you a happy weekend! :happy_cats:
ᴼᴹᴱᴺQBZZZ 4 apr. la 7:06 
+rep awesome trader! Waited for my trade hold to be up when most would’ve just removed me. Big +rep
Schnurrslime 28 mart. la 8:58 
it's still an awesome hat tho.
Empyrean 27 mart. la 18:05 
it indeed is not anymore, i listed it a long time ago, when the other one didn't exist.