D Stojic
Stojic   Serbia
Our shadows will be walking through Vienna, strolling through the court, frightening lords.
Kirjautunut ulos
u mad bru 6.4.2019 klo 13.17 
Current Squad Leader of the 1st squad,1st platoon. Alpha Company. 4thID

Our shadows will be walking through Vienna, strolling through the court, frightening lords.
Bolitho 22.2.2018 klo 10.39 
What A nerd.
Ron Wazelin 18.1.2018 klo 7.21 
+rep for being the best owner of a server I ever know. :)
Capo Supremo 17.1.2018 klo 10.47 
+rep Inspiring profile bio.
Kros 17.1.2018 klo 10.42 
Senpai +1 rep for bio
EnziMackenzie 25.11.2017 klo 10.38 
+rep best CLS Ive ever had the pleasure to be operated on By :D