dog the trump   Kyongsang-namdo, Korea, Republic of
SpyMains: The joy of playing spy. When I kill someone. I haven't just clicked on them in a video game. I have outwitted them and demonstrated their utterly inferiority.
It's like a drug.

Everyone else: LOL you hide in a corner and touch peoples asses calm down weirdo.

Let me just start this off by I don't know if he has a dog man. I mostly play Team fortress 2 mainly but I do play other games (kinda) . I am the the baguette main, but I play Scout, Soldier, Medic, and Sniper heavily. Scroll down below for more info.

TRADE LINK https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=206037196&token=am4lF3Y0


- I will never trade or accept friend invites from people with private profiles or inventories.

- if you come to trade use the trade offer link above or add me and state why you're adding me in the comments down below and not just "added for trade" be specific .

- I tend to not trade people with trade holds but for a tiny more overpay i will.

- This is my ONLY account. Don't trust anyone that claims to be me.

TH-th-th-That's all Folks!.

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Витрина иллюстраций
It wasn't the shot that killed him.
3 1
Витрина скриншотов
76561199086619363 18 сен. 2023 г. в 23:50 
man can we sponsor you
76561198807347043 13 ноя. 2022 г. в 14:00 
man tf2 bet will sponsor you
AR3M 7 июл. 2022 г. в 6:54 
How much would you want me to add?
8ürn 18 июн. 2022 г. в 12:22 
offer sent mate
DarthFather 14 июн. 2022 г. в 17:35 
Greetings! I have added you to discuss the price of the Doc's Holiday you have as a listing on backpack.tf. Add me back at your leisure
펌킨 11 июн. 2022 г. в 9:32 
offer sent for bucktunner