Korea, Republic of
모르는 사람의 친추는 받지 않고있습니다.
Please refrain from adding friends without any reason.
문의가 있을경우 이메일로 연락 부탁드립니다.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail
제 동의가 없는 에셋의 2차 수정은 정중히 거절합니다.
I respectfully refuse any secondary modifications to the assets without my consent.
제작의뢰 안받습니다.
We do not accept production requests.


There are often people who complain to the Assets maker that they don't have the Assets they want.
Such behavior makes it difficult for the producer.

And let me know if you want anything. You can't solve it if you criticize and block it unilaterally.