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過去 2 週間: 58.2 時間 / 総プレイ時間:14,940.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:8,352.6時間)
投稿日: 2017年3月20日 8時17分
更新日: 2019年7月3日 23時21分

DayZ has been a huge part of my life. So many stories, so many new friends. Most of the bad reviews are from people who seem to just want to hate dayz for some reason. DayZ has its ups and downs, but these new patches we get every month just make the game better and better. Even with over 8000 hours on this game I still find it fun after playing for 6 years. Great game!
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3 件のコメント
JohnMac 2017年3月26日 9時03分 
Maca is always funny. Especilaly when he feels the need to type stuff like (wink wink) or (rolls eyes). So now we have the idiotic argument again where if you have less than a couple of hundred hours you somehoe are not qualified to review the game, but if you have more than a couple of hundred hours, you are obviously lying... for some reason...

The game is still broken. Fact. And the new engine is not a new engine. So far there has been a new renderer and the arma 3 audio. This is not a new engine. Not to mention they said they are taking existing tech and mashing it together. Maca is an attention seeking troll that thinks he is all knowledgable. Its sad, but hilarious.
DoctorV93 2017年3月20日 21時22分 
Thing is man the game has gotten way worse over time
Maca 2017年3月20日 14時24分 
4,830.2 hrs on record How much did it cost you again?

What you should have said is "hope if your thinking of buying" you get just as many hours as I did. Wink, wink ;)

"The whole point of making dayz standalone was to fix the problems in the mod it's been 4 years and the game is still broken"

I presume the development of the Enfusion game engine isn't quite a simple task? (Some of the community think it is, lol)


Currently playing "the game is still broken"? Meh.....