Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
❦ + ♞
:HangingController: :scroogemcduck: :shovelknight: :SonicManiaItemBox: :tmntleo: :ori: :naru: :CapSta2_EI04: :batarang: :Eggman: :INSIDE_boyhat: :swbfrollingcharge: :LIMBO_run: :bikerskull: :hollowknight: :thekid: :unravelwave: :Lotus: :shoveldrop: :CapSta_Ryu: :josef: :berta: :healthvial: :shockjockey:

We crave for adventure, wanting to be enchanted
We look for puzzle, desiring a storyline
Score doesn't matter as much as our hundreds of hours

Oh the beauty of the pixelated, like open worlds arise from a trace!
All is programmed and yet we choose it to face
Drawn to the sound of an era we only heard of its powers

Perfection: </bug>

Knowledge is a key //::.
Practice refines .:.
Our most shiny trophies
Are hidden from the sight.
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