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Recent reviews by zapptos1

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4 people found this review helpful
95.8 hrs on record (95.8 hrs at review time)
A pathetically bad port for a decent game. Wont even run propperly without a lot of manual tweaking/patching. The game itself is fine, but the port is just embarrasing. Completely unplayable out of the box; especially on more modern PCs. This is no exageration; as it instantly crashes in fullscreen, and has that horrible constant buzzing sound in windowed mode
Posted December 29, 2023. Last edited December 29, 2023.
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34 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Yeah, you know what?
The game is so damn good and impressive, I am absolutely ok with "donating" 10 Bucks as a litte thank you :)
Posted November 21, 2023.
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210.2 hrs on record (31.8 hrs at review time)
Best Souls game hands down! There is not even a competiotion!
Posted February 27, 2022.
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30 people found this review helpful
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429.1 hrs on record (235.6 hrs at review time)
Good game, but very bad port...

The overall experience is fine. Pretty standard old school JRPG, nothing fancy, just your basic early 90s JRPG. They recently patched in a much needed auto battle feature which is great for grinding which is nice. But this version of the game has a HUGE problem: Within this game exists a glitch that erases your entire progress, both locally and on the steam cloud. Ive had this happen to me twice now. Once on my 99% save file where I just had like 1 or 2 jobs left to master to be done with this game and it really REALLY stings... Now after 235,6h of playtime I've finally given up on getting every Trophy wich has never happened to me before.

I can recomend the game but that glitch is just game breaking and it alone is bad enough for me to say hands off this version...

So I did the thing, I manned up and grinded for an additional 200hrs and finally got everything. I was very careful to always manually back up my save by simply copying my savefile to another location, and this time it did work. This however does not change my stance on that bug. It should simply not be a thing.

But if it is about whether you should choose this version or the pixel remaster I cannot really help you. I have completed both versions, and they both have their own merits and problems. If you like "fleshed out" characters, and aditional content go for this one. If you like amazing music, and a more well rounded experience go for the PR.

When it comes to that bug, it SHOULD NOT be a problem if you play normally. I found it only happening when you have played for a long time, like an 8hr binge grinding session. I watched my task manager performance, and the game slowly started to eat up more and more RAM, until everything crashed, and everything was gone. So in conclusion, if you close and restart the game every 2-3hrs you should be fine. That's SHOULD! No guarantees. It's only logical thinking on my part, but Im not one of the devs.
Posted July 6, 2020. Last edited October 19, 2021.
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