United States
Ringalong Games employee
현재 오프라인
창작마당 전시대
Over a year in the making, Team Milkshake presents to you Volume 1 of Isaac Reshaken! Isaac Reshaken is a content pack MOD that adds over 40 new high quality items, trinkets, consumables, and foes! Including: Features! 20+ shiny new items 10+ fancy new spi
제품 평가 전시대
207시간 플레이
As you know, I love pretentious games such as Nuclear Throne and Galga.
I saw someone on my Steam friend list playing, “Enter The Gungeon”, oh my, what is this? I thought to myself.
I just had to munch on this game, I ran downstairs to find my piggy bank, tucked away in my basement (Binding of Isaac reference, for those who don’t get it) and continued to tackle it.
It had braken, and to my surprise, no money was achieved. I gasped, but remembered that I could steal my neighbor’s credit card, as I was already using their wifi without them knowing.
After I did so, I input the info into Steam and swiftly added the game to my cart. I purchased and installed it. 3 days later it had finished, I achieved the play button.
As I spent 35 minutes changing my settings, I had entered the breach.
I was shocked to see the large cast of playable characters, I decided to play the convict because it reminded me of myself, after I was sentenced to 2 death sentences in Lehigh County Jail in 1985.
I appeared in the game, my first run lasted about 2 and a half minutes, I died of a burning sensation.
Really? I thought to myself. In one fell swoop, I grabbed my keyboard and angrily typed “Enter The Gungeon cheats” into Bing.
I found a little thing called Mod The Gungeon. I installed it instantly and found the debug console made the game quite good. Probably a 6/10.
최근 활동
기록상 286시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 18일
기록상 712시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 18일
기록상 2,654시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 5월 17일
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