John Maverick
9 in 10 people have an allergic reaction to bullets moving at high velocity. Best not to ask about the remainder.

Evolution is just a theory, like gravity.

One nation under Canada!

"BEHOLD!! THE UNMATCHED POWER OF VIOLENCE!!" - homeless guy with weird hair

You are what you eat, and I am a child at heart!

Caelid taught me that there is only one thing worse than German bedtime stories.

Check with your doctor to see if you too are allergic to getting stabbed.

Or allergic to bulls###.

Um....drink your vegetables?

....why are you still here?
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Doctor Hammer Apr 8 @ 10:42pm 
+rep said Onion Bro is not fat.
FuwaFuwa 軟趴趴 Feb 18 @ 11:01pm 
hey help me mate
Sabaithal Jan 7 @ 10:47am 
I'm more hoping that the scaling actually works this time, and I don't end up with 16 enemy frigates on mission 3 just because I captured too many ships in the previous mission, for example.
lukaself Jan 7 @ 1:33am 
For HW3, the original devs are onboard so I have high hopes somewhat mitigated by Deserts of Kharak still being a stutter fest, but that was reportedly an issue with budget and time constraints. Gearbox seems willing to let them work properly this time. I've been missing real-time strategy on that scale! :mirrorsmile:
Sabaithal Jan 6 @ 4:16pm 
Hoping HW3 won't be a bust lol
lukaself Jan 6 @ 4:15pm 
Yeah I know. I was just curious to fathom just how deep they can go into the depths of stupidity but nevermind, is that a Homeworld screenshot? A man after my own heart! :toglove: