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250 timmar spelade
This is my first soulslike game, and I'm not that far in yet, but I'm having a blast with it. The amount of stuff you can gather, equipment to collect, bosses to beat, holes to crawl into, weapons to improve is just insane. The visuals are an absolute masterpiece; my PC is on the lower end of the scale requirementwise, and it still runs smooth as a hot knife through butter without toning down the graphics too much (in fact, I only turned off godrays and ambient occlusion due to personal preference, everything else is on highest settings - I am aware that those two are the most straining on the system). The music is very fitting. It's difficult, but not unfair.

Easily one of the best games I've gotten my hands on, 15/10, I would hit the recommend button 5 times if that were possible.

EDIT after I finished my first playthrough: What a masterpiece. The best part is, that even after you are finished, you're not done. There are several different endings to unlock, and I would bet that even after playing a couple of times, I would still not know everything and would not have seen all the places. I've got quite a few builds in my head that I definitely want to try out, so, I'm far from done. Also, still need to go to Halligtree and tie up a few more loose ends with my first character - which did not keep me from almost instantly creating a second one.
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Daishi 28 nov, 2016 @ 19:26 
Hello Lady Ayzlis!! :steamhappy: