[GG](PG) Simba
Sean   Queensland, Australia
That one guy that goes to the gym because he wants bigger biceps.
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
GateWay Gaming
storm Mar 14, 2022 @ 5:39am 
spend $$$ so the OG's can play Gateway together again xoxo
Evoz Mar 6, 2020 @ 5:25am 
ostrakamilka Jan 5, 2020 @ 3:21pm 
Hay!, I have a question about 22nd models
TTV/Kick|Prince Zay Oct 28, 2019 @ 10:35am 
Hey man, wondering if i could talk to you about somthing
byteframe's cat Apr 2, 2019 @ 9:20pm 
🌳 📒 💄 🐳 🚕 🔋 🎫 🎈 🎄 👾
📕 [] 🌽
📘 💛 🌳 🌋 🚙 👃 🌂 🍧 🎄 🍆
If something is so complicated that you can't explain it in 10 seconds, then
it's probably not worth knowing anyway. -- Calvin

I imagine girls and bugs have a dim perception that nature played a cruel
trick on them but they lack the intelligence to really comprehend the magnitude
of it. -- Calvin

"When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade." -Susie "I say, when life gives
you a lemon, wing it right back and add some lemons of your own!" -Calvin
🏀 📀 🐛 👳 🍇 🍖 🚘 🏓 🐊 💛
ey Aug 10, 2018 @ 12:33am 
Here's to 2018 - Clear skies, no obstructions. Only bigger, only better. :)