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Публикувани: 9 ноем. 2014 в 11:41

Dont waste your time with this mod. The players are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to new players and if you happen to accidentally pick up ammo for a gun you dont have, then you will be hated on and gagged for no reason. do not buy this game as it hates on new players. 0/10
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4 коментара
Vermillion 15 ноем. 2014 в 21:28 
It is an excellent game... with unfair advantages. You need to give the game another chance. Take it from a guy whose played ZP:S for almost 2,000 hours. It depends on what server you are playing on. There are rules for each server and admins for each server, just be wary of the rules. The rules are there for a very good reasons, not to target new players.
boycott751 13 ноем. 2014 в 9:24 
and i get turned into a zombie* wrong turn of phrase, my bad
boycott751 13 ноем. 2014 в 9:24 
i have given the game a chance, on several occations. But everytime its either i get gagged for picking up incorect ammo, or i headshot a zombie 5x times and im a zombie, in which i have to walk around hopeing i see a human who has no clue how to walk, other wise im dead in like 3 hits cause everyone else picked up the good stuff. there is no chance with this game. nobody helps you, your on your own pretty much, and when you do get something good it wont have any effect on the zombies and no one seems to care about you except the zombies. they care a fuckin lot lol:greenslime:
RSIBoi 13 ноем. 2014 в 4:59 
LOL! the reason why is because some people like that think they are to good for anyone else. Give the game a actual chance first.