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13.4 godz. łącznie
My game crashed when I sprayed through a curtain. I should have refunded this unoptimized game again. I understand this game has been working to gain progress and it needs to decide what its going to be. If its going to be a shooter it shouldn't crash when I shoot. Phasmophobia does a better job of scaring me and Dying Light 1 makes NPCs with guns just nobodies. Congratulations on making a game that sold out as fast as it could. If the game wants horror elements to scare me there going to need to do a lot more than what they've given, NPC's holding an angle aren't frightening nor are booby traps which feels like a quarter of the game. Every time I try to play this game and get some hours on it it ends up being non-compatiable. I almost have a full roster in single player and I have been trying to play through the single player to get some story and interesting elements from the game. I've used tazers like no other to keep morale high and when I swap to a gun the game just starts dying. I wish I could play it more because they've already done so much; the graphics, the story (minus how many pedo rings swat units have to take out (Please just give me more nightclubs)), and a grounded realistic approach to modern gunfights. But, I wish the SWAT Officers didn't stick their model all the way up your's so that if you wanted to step back two feet. If it wants to be a shooter then bring me PAYDAY 2 just as the cops. (Trademark this is a game review don't you even think about). Then it could be something people want to play. By god do they love their booby traps on some missions. Your aim stays on the ground, every door, staircase, and gap juuuuust large enough for one person. Bringing up Helldivers 2, would drop a 500kg eagle right on their servers.
Opublikowana: 1 kwietnia. Ostatnio edytowane: 1 kwietnia.
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