French Bread
Christmas Island
“Violence is never the answer. It is the question, and the answer is Yes.”
Keep Reading :cozyhitman2:
Cool music
🗣🇲🇽🇨🇦 learning 🇫🇷

If you're gonna add me tell me why you're doing so, down below, otherwise I won't accept your request

"Everyone talks about how traveling back in time and doing something small, like killing a butterfly, can drastically change the present, but no one talks about how doing something small today, like planting a tree, can drastically change the future. ”
595 時間プレイ
Having fun,

playing the game, die once as infected

"WTF NOOB" Vote kick has started. You have been disconnected.
記録時間: 70 時間
2023年9月16日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 14.7 時間
2023年1月23日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 3.4 時間
2023年1月23日 に最後にプレイ
Blackadder 2月12日 10時44分 
+rep is from Christmas Island. I love Christmas.
kayne 2021年4月5日 11時52分 
"Ez" proceeds to get domminated and anhilated in 5 minutes :steamsalty: .
Who's mom is ez now B)
Thiccy 2021年2月9日 12時44分 
burger king internet
SumTingWong 2020年12月25日 20時50分 
-rep slugged two survivors to find the last one, match spent on the floor
Momo 2020年11月30日 17時24分 
+Rep i like his profile animation and pfp :>
Mama Kate 2020年11月26日 19時00分 
+rep Great wraith, nice person!