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asdf May 18 @ 6:10am 
Terra preta (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈtɛʁɐ ˈpɾetɐ], literally "black soil" in Portuguese) is a type of very dark, fertile anthropogenic soil (anthrosol) found in the Amazon Basin. It is also known as "Amazonian dark earth" or "Indian black earth". In Portuguese its full name is terra preta do índio or terra preta de índio ("black soil of the Indian", "Indians' black earth"). Terra mulata ("mulatto earth") is lighter or brownish in color.
ram ranch racist May 18 @ 5:51am 
+rep we chatted with him for about 1-2 hours, he was very friendly, I thought I had found a good friend, but towards the end the things he said started to bother me, as if he was trying to imply something. I openly asked what you intend to do by sending these articles and sending these photos. When I was open, he explained his intention clearly. Turns out his intention was to do gay gay things with me. I was shocked. I tried to explain that such a thing would never happen, that I am interested in women, that I am not gay, because he is a very naive person. He insisted. I cursed his mother and blocked him. It's still sending emails and it bothers me. it's his ball. curse the day I met you. we got ourselves into trouble
ram ranch racist Feb 10 @ 3:14am 
Don't ever call me a freak again
ram ranch racist Feb 10 @ 3:14am 
Address: 9 Sanderson St, Embleton WA 6062
Parents: Jacob & Rebecca Langley
Other details: 2 dogs, history of depression
Phone: 04 556 873 173
Lucille Dean Dec 1, 2023 @ 8:52am 
how are udoing ? xD
ahab Oct 12, 2023 @ 10:25pm 
Hello, im a shy submissive tf2 medic main and i decided to try some competitve tf2 on tf2 center. I joined a process lobby and immediately picked medic slot. We lose the game horribly 5-0 and i dropped so many ubers on my pocket. He adds me on steam and angrily demands i get into voice chat with him....I timidly join and say hello. He immediadtely starts calling me a useless ♥♥♥♥♥. I try to say something but he tells me to shut the ♥♥♥♥ up and suck his ♥♥♥♥. We erp but he doesnt let me ♥♥♥ until i get him off. Moaning as loud as i can he finally gasps and falls silent. "Okay, you can finish now." I quickly eat my own semen and pretend that its his. And that is the story of how i got into competitive tf2!! :D