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기록상 29.2시간 (평가 당시 20.5시간)
It is inconceivable to write how this game is the most indicative piece of media surrounding everything we stand for individually and collectively.

There are many ways you could praise this game as shown by many other reviews here. But, I want to offer a unique perspective on things to show how immaculate of an experience this was for me and many others if you are contemplating getting this game. I believe the more you have lost, the more you will gain from this game.

My favorite game for 4 years up to this point was Celeste. It marked my determination in this world. Practically nothing could beat it. I've played so many games over the years indie and triple AAA. Oneshot, Hello Charlotte, Omori, Crosscode, Elden Ring, Library of Ruina, Night in the Woods, and so much more. I love video games so much and the ones that are most dear to me are the ones I resonate with and most importantly, change my life. Celeste changed so much about me I'm forever thankful for it for what it meant to me then and now.

And just 8 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hours into the game, it toppled Celeste as if it were a mere disposable pawn on the chess board. Less than half of the game. It's unreal how easily it did such a thing. I knew Celeste wouldn't stay there forever, but this game resonated with me so much you could convince me that future me developed it and sent it back to the past for me to play.

I relate to, no, I am so many characters in this game. All the themes the developers wanted to showcase are fully fleshed out in a way I couldn't ever imagine, not even mentioning the very unique story structure I couldn't predict where we were heading next in the best way possible unlike most media nowadays I experience.

I've always known people's favorite games will always be the ones that are most personal to them whether in the specific moment of life or resonating with oneself's past. But it isn't a hyperbole at all to say this might be the best game I will experience for the rest of my life for how it coincided perfectly with the current state of affairs I've gone through and will go through in the future. Hell! Maybe a candidate for the best video game ever created which is something I would've never considered for any game till this one. I eagerly wait for how this game will lead my future with how it's affected me. I cried so many times to this game than perhaps the latter half of my life. And I savored every second of it smiling underneath it all.

Please buy this game if you have the slightest consideration for it. Whether it becomes your new favorite or not doesn't matter. But it will certainly make you cry. It will make you learn something anew about yourself. And that's okay.

Until then, the world hasn't ended yet. We'll do this together.
2024년 7월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 38.3시간 (평가 당시 18.7시간)
Do it.
Buy the Game.

This game is an experience. A look into things you may or may not be familiar with (more on that later). Even though I have not completed the final chapter of the game yet, I can still highly recommend this game to anyone that is interested (currently finishing all the content before the final chapter).


The story in this game is fantastic on the likes of Undertale, Half-Life, and many other great games. Instead of saving someone/something in Mario or some other simplistic storyline, Celeste delves deep into territory that many have not experienced or understood. Mental Illness. In the game, you play as Madeline, a young adult girl that is climbing Mount. Celeste in hopes of escaping her insecurities and proving herself that she is good. Along the way, you encounter friends, foes, and other various situations. Fairly early on in the game, you encounter Badeline, a physical manifestation of self-doubt, worry, and fear that is part of Madeline that constantly tries to persuade and force her off the mountain. Although I wont spoil much more after this point in the story, you can already see how creative this game gets. I'll include a slight spoiler section ahead that really shows how great this game is. In the middle of the game, Madeline reveals that she has depression to Theo (another climber that you meet in chapter 1). She talks about her depression along with how it affects her. Along with this, Theo really shows how to cope with depression, you just gotta let it run it's course and have friends ready to support and listen to you. You cant force someone to feel better or to do things that might make them better. You can only hope for the best and let the person with mental illness learn and cope with what they have. They must learn from it and possibly, even work together.


Honestly, the gameplay in this game is addicting at times. With the swift, tight, and simple controls along with the satisfaction of completing certain parts of the game can make for a golden platformer. The game and levels keep constantly showing and making you use certain mechanics that shake things up a bit heavily. From the simple dash, to momentum jumps, and dozens more of mechanics and strategies, you can play this game for a while before being bored that nothing new has happened. Even when you think your done with everything, the game suddenly introduces you to a new mechanic that changes how you play forever. Along with this, certain developer decisions have led the game to be accessible to everyone with an assist mode, no death penalty (besides a death counter that is never shown to you until after a level has been finished), and many small things that make the game great.


This has to be one of the best, if not the best, soundtracks in a game that I heard. The music goes so well with what is going on with the game along with just being a general banger to listen to. More often than not when playing this game, your only keeping your sanity just because of the music. Lena Raine has done such a amazing job on this soundtrack, especially since that she relates to this game's themes so much. You can practically hear the love and thought that went into the music. Of course, there are remixes of most of the songs in game that are accessible through secrets in levels. These remixes all sound amazing in their own rights and are all made by different people. Finally, the music ties in well with the main characters in the game. The main character is represented by a piano and Badeline is represented by synth sounds and music. This ties in nicely with everything mentioned beforehand.

-Visuals & Sounds-

This is definitely the best "bit-style" game that I have seen. The feel and looks of the game are to die for with its variable environments and creative locations. The sounds are also satisfying. This all wraps up nicely with the other elements in the game. Best of all, the game barely takes any processing power to load and run.


I can not recommend this game enough. It's an experience that I will remember and cherish forever. This game has single handedly changed the lives of people across the world. Although I have not finished the final chapter as of writing, I bet it will be better than anything that I have seen before.

2020년 5월 4일에 게시되었습니다.
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1명이 이 평가가 재미있다고 함
기록상 41.0시간 (평가 당시 17.4시간)
>be 096
>goes to kill D class and facility guards
>chaos come
>chaos not friendly
>hide and kill
>*insert nuke sound*
>barely finds exit
>nuke goes off last second
>SCPs die, including me

In all honesty, this is a fantastic game. Sure the animations arent the best, sure its made in unity, sure it has some flaws. But what makes the game SCP:SL, is the different experience each time you spawn as a D class,facility guard, SCP,chaos, or MTF, everything and every situation is different and most of the time fun. Even most of the map is randomly generated to keep the "mysterious and horror" feel of the game. I absolutely love this game and cant wait for more updates. Also, you will find out you will learn this game pretty easily and its different aspects (atleast for me). Hope you have fun if you download it.
2018년 10월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 283.9시간 (평가 당시 17.5시간)
This game IS A LOAD OF FUN! epacialy because of the 1.3 update that came out 2 weeks ago
every seeing this review go get this game
2015년 7월 15일에 게시되었습니다.
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1명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 81.3시간 (평가 당시 14.1시간)
this is the best shooter ina while! (with the old type of counter strike)
2014년 10월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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아직 아무도 이 평가가 유용하다고 하지 않음
기록상 4,651.4시간 (평가 당시 2,485.7시간)
not gonna lie, these 3.5k+ hours are nice
2014년 1월 27일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 7월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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1-6/6개 항목을 표시 중