Arek   Greater London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Currently Offline
JordFx | #RIPTimBergling ◢ ◤ Dec 23, 2018 @ 8:48am 
bro add me if again if you ever come back online
Simon Mar 16, 2014 @ 3:14am 
+rep An exquisite trader that possesses a strong financial backing with a galore of rare items in his inventory. The name of this trader reverberates among the entire community and his/her humility is a rarely seen quality which distinguishes him/her from the rest. He is ethically upright who upholds qualities that include honesty, responsibility, etc. It was such an honour to have placed my unworthy eyes on this trader's username and a further pleasure to have traded with him. To the other traders who have the similar rare privilege that I myself have been bestowed upon, do not and I must emphasise this again do not try to scam this trader ever or else you have committed an unforgiveable sin!
DeathroffUK Jan 30, 2014 @ 2:12pm 
+rep great trader and very helpful!