
Последние обзоры Ninjask1ller

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I've played this game for 36 and a half hours. And I can promise you, that I spent more time crashing, and loading back into the game, than I actualy did playing. I had to uninstall the game, because crashing every 5-30 minutes isn't fun. The multiplayer is very buggy and very crash happy. Crashing will cause your vehicle to disapear (Although not realy.) What I asume it is that happens, is that the game desides that you've crashed, and then doesn't tell you for a while. and when you eventualy do crash, and return. your player is where you last where, but your vehicle is where the game decided you crashed earlier. Either way. I've had multiple vehicles dissapear. along with multiple inventories disapearing from me.
Опубликовано 13 ноября 2022 г..
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