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46.6 hrs on record
Wow. I never reviewed this game since I got it, and it's on sale (as of 4/19/24)?

One of my first FPS games to ever really get into back then (other than the OG Modern Warfare series), playing with my buds/randoms with the cracked version of the original Halo: Combat Evolved. I even hosted a good amount of times for 30+ people. Sometimes we own, sometimes we don't. And grenades? The most accessible, and OP thing to explode in Halo 1.

The overall themes, weaponry, and concept of the Covenant, the Precursors, the Forerunners, the Flood, and Halo itself... just makes me really enjoy what Bungie has created. Sure, everyone wants to set this high bar for this franchise since 343 Industries took over, but... why can't we take a step back and enjoy the fact that it even existed? We, as gamers, keep asking for more, and more, and more... and sometimes the quality in price is justified. Although, you run into this problem where the consumers request these... unrealistic demands. If you think about it, when video games started to hit the market, gamers needed little to no stimulation from said games compared to now. It's too easy to take for granted.

The negatives? It's true, having to REQUIRE a Microsoft account to play the game is troubling, but so is every other game that does the exact same procedure. Honestly, it isn't any different than hooking up your Microsoft account to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition to be able to crossplay with your console friends. Trust me, I'm not a fan of it either, but in a world of accounts, and the questionable ownership of digital purchases, at least you're not forced to use a 3rd party launcher like a lot of other games require.

The ACTUAL negative (insert obligatory veteran sweatage here)? Campaign crossplay (as of 4/19/24) is ONLY available for Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST (which shouldn't be confused with normal, same-platform co-op). According to a 2021 reddit posts... the idea of thoroughly going through every game to allow campaign crossplay requires an immense change in the netcode, which they deemed to be... pretty much a big challenge. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but, it would be nice to round out the rest of the games with the same compatibility. I'm not holding my breath, though.

Splitscreen not possible on PC but possible on Xbox One? Pssst... get Nucleus Coop[github.com]. It's free real estate...

To wrap this up... you're getting basically a starter pack of the main Halo series, with six games of campaign, multiplayer, co-op... with the choice of installing specific multiplayers/campaigns of Halo 1, 2, 3, and so on in the form of Steam DLC. So, it's not completely necessary to download the entirety of 6 games if you don't have, roughly... 140+ GB of space.
Posted April 19. Last edited April 28.
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0.0 hrs on record
Heeelp. I'm trapped in hours and hours of content, slowly chipping away at achievements.

Also... DELIRIUM WAS ADDED TO THIS DLC?! :o I thought that was a Repentance exclusive!

In all seriousness, this DLC does add a decent bit of items and such, not to the scale of Afterbirth. Plus, most of what people were/are angry about is more than likely patched in Repentance. If it's really that intolerable to you, and you only have Afterbirth, just uninstall AB+ and just enjoy the 1st DLC. Or... get Repentance with Afterbirth+, assuming you're already fully invested into this series. This DLC isn't meant for the kindhearted (same goes for Repentance), and you will face some bull bull (as Dashiegames would say) along the way.

Before I started playing Dark Souls, this was the closest thing to a Soul's game for me, in terms of difficulty. Just treat your experience similar to the Dark Souls franchise... pick up the pieces, strategize, get good, and keep going. The game is as beatable as you want it to be.
Posted January 25. Last edited January 25.
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63.0 hrs on record (59.7 hrs at review time)
A fun little hack and slash game (at times, bullet hellish) with some awesome replayability value. The crutches and challenges are insane to take on for hardcore players, and just when you get comfortable with your upgrades, you somehow end up dying.

Multiplayer is just simply amazing with your friends. However, it's insane how very few are hosting games. I've only played around 5 or 6 PM CST, and found probably... 2-3 games?

Castle Hammerwatch is pretty fun, and easier on beginners. Temple of the Sun, however, is a bit more challenging with static and dynamic secrets alike, with a decent amount of backtracking required to find some necessary secrets. Whereas, Castle Hammerwatch has all the secrets in the same place, and gold is way more abundant with pots and boxes around.

Welp. Crackshell has me sold. Here's to Hammerwatch II, and all of its open world RPG and lovingly crafted pixel art glory.
Posted November 23, 2022.
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19.1 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
13 hours in, and I've only played one character, and probably spent... 3/4ths of that time designing vanilla characters?

Imagine how long it would take for me to do everything else...
Posted November 17, 2022. Last edited November 18, 2022.
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4.5 hrs on record
A chaotic mess of a game, with some scares along the way.

Having a chance of the game just 'freezing' up by moving too fast via a 6400 dpi mouse (even though you can still hear yourself walking around)?
Some game breaking bugs?
A big peanut?
PTSD flashbacks you never knew you had in the banks of your memory?
Elevator music?

All jokes aside, the game is decently scary the first time visiting it (at least, in my opinion). Multiplayer is buggy but enjoyable.

I don't know why, but the multiplayer settings are only accessible when you click 'Multiplayer' (or in a lobby), then 'Settings'..? Why not have the multiplayer settings in the ACTUAL settings on the menu, instead of a separate one in multiplayer? I was legit trying to turn off push to talk in-game...

A great multiplayer horror experience. Also... it's free. There's nothing to lose in trying... 8/10.

Edit: Wait a minute... 64 players can join a server? :O
Posted October 5, 2022. Last edited October 5, 2022.
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4.8 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
As someone who plays scary games super occasionally, this one had me on edge the entire time. They nailed the atmosphere and sound effects.

The only downside is the options are basically broken after you enter the game..? I actually tried to force 60 FPS (and vsync) via my GPU's control panel to try and figure out the problem to the negative reviews, but your GPU still runs at 100% :/. It's like The Sims 3 problem with pouring all its GPU resources into the game, if you didn't cap its framerate, or turn on vsync. Putting your FPS to '30' does put your GPU at 50%, however.

10/10, not playing a scary game ever again.

Edit: Jk. Just recently finished it, after the developer added a portion to the game.
Posted September 12, 2022. Last edited October 4, 2022.
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329.8 hrs on record (59.6 hrs at review time)
I always wanted to play a card game the way it was intended, rather than the made-up rules I had when I was a kid, playing against my friends in a simple demeanor in Pokemon. Yugioh was no exception, and as time went on, it got a little more complex. The fact that it took into the form of a gacha game is pretty neat, and learning the game was a bit of a curve, but nevertheless, fun if you're a novice.

Ranked matches can be a bit annoying, especially when you climb the ranks to just run into the same meta decks. I'm, by no means, intending to achieve Platinum rank, but rather to just see how far I can get using my @ignister deck (since it's not really meta, and I enjoy the Cyberse archetypes), and, of course, get more gems and UR chips with the gold pass.

Gems are easy to come by for newcomers only, then your accumulation slows down. I haven't spent a dime and I'm still managing to hold my gems at the 9000 limit (personal limit, mind you). Buying packs is an easy way to get cards, but you're better off creating decks from those cards, dismantling them, and putting your N/R/SR/UR chips towards a build. If you find a particular pack that contains a majority of your deck, go for it.
Posted April 2, 2022. Last edited December 30, 2022.
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18.7 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
Do you enjoy survival? Do you like the smell/taste of corpses lying around? Well, that's a common occurrence if you play Multiplayer. I've been there myself.

Hello! Regular Muck player here to tell you about the wonders of Muck, and its formidable difficulty. It'll take some practice, but, you'll get the hang of it. :) Sometimes, life just doesn't go our way, and, enemies will bum rush you until you're a corpse.

However, remember... the spinning technique is what you use to live, to survive the outlandish, smooth graphics of this... survival of the fittest world. Apply the principles and learn what you've practiced.

FEAR the names of... Big Chunk (haven't seen 'em since the Battle of the Broken Ship), Gronk (the Lawn Mower guy. I wonder if he's making a pretty penny..?), Guardian Leviosa (Loves to golf. Can be quick tempered, and, will more than likely laser the golf hole), and Chief (Now has a kid in the village, from what I hear). The technique will not work on them, so be precautious.

Another thing... say hi to Bob for me. :)
Posted February 19, 2022. Last edited February 19, 2022.
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0.7 hrs on record
If you're looking for a short, sweet horror game to play with 1 other person... this game is for you. It's... not as scary as I thought it was going to be, but it's a one-off game, and I can appreciate the art style and the simplicity.

Plus, it's free! Who doesn't like free games?
Posted November 8, 2021. Last edited November 8, 2021.
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109.8 hrs on record (67.4 hrs at review time)
I, sadly, was not aware of this bargain of a deal that took place around October 28th, 2016, when PC users were allowed to get Special Edition for FREE if you owned the original Skyrim and its DLC before or on the aforementioned date. However, I was able to get it on sale for 60% off, which is just as big of a steal. It came with all the DLCs, and an upgrade on graphics and a game engine, so why not?

The vanilla game is literally the same. If, for some reason, you expected more content out of Bethesda, your expectations are a bit high. They didn't even patch out the bugs from the original.

The modding elements are limitless... the 64-bit upgrade allows the game to run more than 4 GB of RAM, so that's automatically a win win. My FPS is more stable than before, which is pretty great when retextures are enabled. In order to have consistent framerate for all my mods, I'd need a GPU a bit more powerful. I've yet to try out the modded 'expansions' like Falskaar[www.nexusmods.com], Wyrmstooth[www.nexusmods.com], Summerset Isle[www.nexusmods.com] (normal Skyrim only), or The Forgotten City[www.nexusmods.com].

Part of the reason I wanted this 'upgrade' was to try out Skyrim Together with a bud of mine. And boy, was it outright a glitch fest, although VERY funny and entertaining. The AI would constantly repeat their voice lines, and since we were in a prison, all we kept hearing was "ALL THE LIVING THINGS," over and over. xD It was straight up the most hilarious chain of events ever. I hope to see the development of Skyrim Together (basically the Reborn version) progress more, if possible.

Buy it at a discounted price. Full price doesn't do it justice, since it's just the same as the original. 8 times out of 10, people would probably get Skyrim to play around with mods, RP, or play together with friends, since a majority have already gone through the vanilla game at least once.

Rating for vanilla: 5/10
Rating for modded: 9/10 (possibly biased..?)
Posted August 10, 2021. Last edited August 20, 2021.
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