
Последние обзоры TheCourier#21

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9.8 ч. всего (6.7 ч. в момент написания)
God bless democracy
Опубликовано 6 марта. Отредактировано 6 мая.
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1.5 ч. всего
Reloading is pretty bad, as the game was not made for other VR headsets. The gameplay itself is good, but it is also repetitive. I would reccomend finding another game if you want a rougelite game. This, in my opinion, isn't a good one.
Опубликовано 11 января.
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Ответ разработчика от 3 мая в 14:44 (просмотреть ответ)
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0.8 ч. всего
I tried out this game because I thought that it would be interesting to try. I spent, more than 10 or 15 minutes in the beginning of the game, sitting there, and waiting for cut-scenes to end. I then played for a few more minutes, had another cutscene, played a few more minutes, then another cutscene. Then I was shown a horrible sight. Button mashing. In a game that was released in the year 2023. Do not buy this game, unless you love back to back cutscenes and buttonmashing and quicktime events.
Опубликовано 28 декабря 2023 г..
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107.0 ч. всего (34.3 ч. в момент написания)
You should go to bed.
Опубликовано 24 июля 2023 г..
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5.7 ч. всего (2.8 ч. в момент написания)
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For now, I would give this game mostly a maybe. Its nice to have little clues and hints to lead you to where you need to go. One issue I do seem to have is that it doesn't make sense that every single house seems to have a silent alarm system. Maybe the nicer places would have one, but a slum house or bad apartment would not have one. The game is fun, but there were two very specific moments where my game crashed when playing this game, and a great white and black fuzzy screen would show up at times, causing the game to be unplayable. In its current state, unless you are playing in a small town and now something massive, do not purchase this game. Wait until the game is more finished before you play it, otherwise it can be a very frustrating experience.
Опубликовано 26 апреля 2023 г..
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10.6 ч. всего (4.2 ч. в момент написания)
Опубликовано 5 ноября 2022 г..
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48.8 ч. всего (29.4 ч. в момент написания)
The game is fun. Its not the best game that Bethesda could put out, but its a decent enough game if you want a simple story, creepy horror stuff, and even some stuff about Japanese occult stuff and Japanese folk tales and small descriptions of different yokai. Also, Tengu rope goes brrrr.
Опубликовано 17 октября 2022 г..
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26.2 ч. всего (5.1 ч. в момент написания)
The game is fun. It runs like butter. Though there are times were things tend to cause issues. One such issue is where I crashed the game and couldn't even kill the process. It just froze. So, I would reccomend being ready for that. Other than those small things, game is great.
Опубликовано 6 октября 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
46.2 ч. всего (23.8 ч. в момент написания)
This game is really the first JRPG I have played. It was a fantastic deal so far. I have played up to chapter 6 at the time of this writing on normal difficulty. Its wonderful and fantastic. The story is great, characters are wonderful, though Roland does feel like a background character by the 6th chapter to be honest. The kingdom building is fun and the side missions are great as well. Leveling up is a grind though, but its ok because you kind of expect that out of a JRPG. People who complain about grinding in a JRPG, are the same people who complain about grinding for cosmetics in world of warcraft. This grinding has tangible results that you can see while you play the game. Did I mention it was fantastic? A wonderful masterpiece of a game, and I would reccomend anyone who can get it on sale to get it. I will be purchasing the first Ni No Kuni as well. What a wonderful game.
Опубликовано 8 августа 2022 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
10.1 ч. всего (2.7 ч. в момент написания)
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For even being in Alpha, its a great game. I hope he adds more. A few things I would say need to be changed. New tools for prying off chips and such, as well as not feeling like you're on a slip and slide when walking. Not just that, but I would also love to see us take apart stuff like pc monitors, more expensive GPU's, etc. Good job. Keep it up! I love the game!
Опубликовано 27 июля 2022 г..
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