A Very Lazy Devil   Buenos Aires, Argentina
I spend my whole day at work and I suck at most games. If you know me, you know.

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My anidb for those who wants to know my taste:
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Review Showcase
Hyperdimension Neptunia is pretty much like "let's make fun of everything and see with what we can get away with" it can be too heavy on fanservise and sometimes cringy while parodying jrpgs, references are everywhere but are mostly handled in a fine manner and the gameplay is ok for the most part, if you feel like playing a jrpg that doesn't take itself too seriously for it's own good *cof* *cof* Fairy Fencer F *cof* *cof* give it a try, it's average, aware of it and (unlike the latter entries) doesn't have an annoying character known as Nepgear (at least in the main story)

Now for some scores

Real Score: 6/10
Internal Fanboy Score: 9/10
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Awards Showcase
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Awards Given
Devil® Mar 7 @ 4:40am 
I'm not a big fan of auto battlers or roguelikes, I enjoy them fine enough but you should notice by my favorites those types of games aren't my top games
Devil® Oct 18, 2018 @ 1:02pm 
byteframe's cat Oct 18, 2018 @ 12:36pm 
Guard: "You have to give me your authorization password."
(Jayne fires down into the vault... there is a delay)
Guard: "Okay!"
Devil® Aug 9, 2018 @ 6:44pm 
If yakuza 0 didn't get bugged so much in side mission it would be great
Devil® Feb 8, 2018 @ 8:26pm 
I sometimes wonder why the heck I accept the weirdest request from my friends (even if I get paid for it)