
Clover 最近的评测

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总时数 296.0 小时
The Current state of the game is abysmal

I loved this game and my playtime and achievement progress should show that, but instead this newest update and DLC have killed all desire to play the game.
The new elites are horrible and slow the game down to such a degree it is better to just ignore them.
I cannot willingly support this game in its present state, not until they revert litterally everything they did, and try again this time not utterly breaking the game.
发布于 8 月 30 日。
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I like some of the new items, I like the new maps.
Thats about where the positives end.
Seeker is not fun, is clunky, and generally outclass by any other survivor.
Haven't bothered to unlock the chef because god forbid the green portal spawn anywhere but literally the first stage.
And the final unlocked character feels depressingly placeholder and unfinished to the point where many of their animations and particle effects are ripped from other places and sized incorrectly.
Give this DLC a few months to fix everything if Gearbox even bothers, because right now your better off just playing Modded or risk of rain returns.
发布于 8 月 28 日。
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总时数 19.4 小时
Ah yes, the darling game where I wish I had amnesia so I could reply that first experience every day for the rest of my life.
a wonderful gem of a game that is best experienced blind!
发布于 7 月 3 日。
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Alright having beat the DLC and all its content, I feel I can give a proper review now.
Let me start by saying yes, some fights are annoying to me, this is the case with every souls game where some people struggle on some fights, while others dumpster it no problem.
The Difficulty is definitely higher then the base game, I would argue between mountaintops and haligtree level which is to be expected when the boss you have to kill is after those areas to enter the place.
However the difficulty of this DLC comes down to how much you are willing to explore it, and how willing you are to alter you build when the time comes.
Throughout the DLC you will find upgrade materials that increase the damage you deal, and decrease the damage you take. This is naturally encouraged as it makes a world of difference. you also find ones to affect your spirit ashes, which I encourage using.

Another thing, dont summon NPC's for boss fights UNLESS the sign appears inside the boss room, because they will tack on UNGODLY amounts of health to the bosses and render them a slog.
Planning to go through this DLC a few more times just to get more of a feel for it, and to ♥♥♥♥ around with the new weapons because lord are they fun. But overall I think the issue of difficulty is people not using the tools given to them, and using NPC summons instead of just using spirit ashes.

overall 9/10 from me
发布于 6 月 24 日。
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总时数 0.0 小时
Ill be honest, it feels rewarding to get a DLC like this after all my time with Destiny 2
we have had our ups (Forsaken, Witch queen) and downs (Shadowkeep, Lightfall). But this, this honestly makes me wonder if it tops Forsaken in just how much it has to offer.
Obviously I do not recommend this for someone new to Destiny 2 as I would recommend starting with beyond light and witch queen and just... seeing if it clicks with you before buying this.
Grab the game on sale and see how much you like it.

For people who have been riding through destiny 2 you are already going to buy this, but if your on the fence after the just rough time Lightfall was, give this one a shot... you wont regret it.
发布于 6 月 11 日。
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总时数 5.4 小时
We Won boys, our voices were heard and the PSN requirement are no more...
let us hope out lost comrade's can find their way home after being shunted from Super earth without warning.

May the Dev's continue to flourish for democracy!
Hoo Rah!!!
发布于 5 月 5 日。 最后编辑于 5 月 6 日。
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总时数 11.9 小时 (评测时 5.0 小时)
Extremely fluid platforming with combat that feels equally as buttery smooth.
Not all the hard when it comes down to it but the game feels so good that genuinely that is not a complaint.
发布于 4 月 28 日。
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总时数 36.7 小时 (评测时 6.8 小时)
This game is a corner stone of "Solid game play loop over everything"
The mechanics are simple but deep enough to where mastery over them feels endlessly rewarding.
Lethal company is best experienced with friends however even playing with randoms can be a joyride. If you have two or three buddy's to play with its honestly just a ton of dumb fun.
Seems like the game is going to be getting semi frequent updates which is awesome to see.
Modding already seems in depth and aids in customisation so no fears there.
Here's to meeting quota lads!
发布于 2023 年 12 月 9 日。
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总时数 19.2 小时
I want to enjoy this game, and I will keep playing it, however a few things are keeping me from recommending this game.
Firstly is the matchmaking, my god its not even funny how unbalanced it feels at times with the way teams are stacked up, do yourself a favor and avoid normal mode like the plague until you have at least 30-50 hours in the game. The mode itself is comp but you don't have a ban phase, which sounds fine but the matches take much longer then quick play, give slightly better rewards (if you win) and overall feel helpless if your getting stomped (which as a new player you absolutely will be).
I feel this problem is due to a lack of newer players coming in, and veterans having so much more experience that they can exploit often overlooked mechanics and abilities, sure with time you can get the hang of this, but if I wanted to get stomped playing a Moba I would go back to league...

Secondly, the balancing... Now let me preface this point by saying the balancing is fairly tight all things considered and you can certainly do well with every character out there, but my god to some characters feel like straight up grades to others. Also this game has hard counters based on play-style alone and let me tell you, the game does not disclose this or tell you how to deal with it. You just gotta figure that ♥♥♥♥ out on your own.

Third is well, the grind. You don't get a lot of points per match (about 900 a game for quickplay) which is alright, but characters range in cost from 10k to 30k to 50k, which is a lot of matches that can feel really bad when point 1 comes in to play. Sure on account level you get 5k points and getting a characters rank to 2 gives you 3k per character, but even still it feels dismally slow when games don't feel fun to play and your trying desperately to find one character that might make things less painful.

I want to like this game, the artstyle, the emotes, and the community are all really nice. But as it stands right now I can only stand a game or two before matchmaking puts me on the loss streak and reminds me "yeah no this is why I dislike competitive games."

I've listened to countless guides and spent quite a bit of time learning the ropes and trying to get better, but I feel like I'm fighting a uphill battle when I can have more fun elsewhere with less of a headache. :/
Also CO-OP vs AI (which is quite fun to mess around in to learn characters) doesnt give the currency to get characters, which is beyond ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (even like, 200-300 would be fun but 0 is such a buzkill)
发布于 2023 年 7 月 15 日。
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总时数 0.8 小时
Pizza tower is a experience

one worth every dime I spent on it and I have barely sunk a hour into it.

If you are a fan of Wario Land 3 or 4, get this game
that is not a recommendation, it is a command
发布于 2023 年 2 月 16 日。
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