Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
15 van de 35 (43%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Neptune Activated

Started a New Game.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jul 2016 om 20:55

Zero Dimension Master

Cleared [Zero Dimension Neptunia Z: Twilight of the Desperate CPU].
Ontgrendeld op 23 aug 2016 om 19:52

Hyper Dimension Master

Cleared [Hyper Dimension Neptunia G: The Golden Leaders, Reconstructors of Gamindustri].
Ontgrendeld op 7 sep 2016 om 21:02

Ascension Ending

Achieved Ascension Ending in [Heart Dimension Neptunia H: Into Legend].
Ontgrendeld op 20 sep 2016 om 19:18

Slice Through!

Used Route Building for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2016 om 20:26


Invested for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 24 aug 2016 om 19:40


Invested in either Commerce, Industry, or Public Relations to max level.
Ontgrendeld op 17 sep 2016 om 22:14


Connected two cities and traded between them.
Ontgrendeld op 6 sep 2016 om 20:51

Got Rare Item!

Acquired a rare item for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 13 aug 2016 om 21:40

Got Super Rare Item!

Acquired a super rare item for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2016 om 8:58

Battle Veteran

Fought in 300 battles.
Ontgrendeld op 3 sep 2016 om 22:23

Hit Combo

Achieved 100 Hits.
Ontgrendeld op 11 sep 2016 om 19:50

Ultimate Evolution

Changed into Next Form for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 8 sep 2016 om 19:20

Pinch Coordination

Used a two person Formation Skill for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 24 aug 2016 om 20:00

Surround Coordination

Used a three or four person Formation Skill for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 6 aug 2016 om 21:06

Megadimension Master

Completed Neptunia VII!

Godly Game Creator

Produced 10 "Godly Games" within Disc Dev.

Sucky Game Creator

Produced 10 "Sucky Games" within Disc Dev.

Figure Collector

Collected all figurines from Chocolate Eggs.

Card Master

Collected all cards from CPU Chips.

Treasure Hunter

Found all of the hidden Treasure Boxes.

Scavenger Novice

Acquired 50 items from dungeon objects.


Earned a total of one million credits.

Coordination Expert

Used Formation Skills 100 times.

11 verborgen prestaties resterend

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