
Последние обзоры Orthax47

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I would buy this game twice.
Опубликовано 19 августа 2023 г..
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1,848.6 ч. всего (1,375.8 ч. в момент написания)
I just started playing this game but I mean it's alright. Honestly I figured with the graphics it would play a little more like Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

I once reported someone to Valve because they were a spy disguised as me.
Опубликовано 5 апреля 2020 г..
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222.5 ч. всего (217.7 ч. в момент написания)
I've been meaning to write this for a really long time. Blacklight Retribution will always hold a very special place in my heart. I started back when I was trying to run it on a potato and in all my years of gaming, I've never found anything quite like it. There is a heartwarming feeling you get when you finally blow somebody's brains out. That crunchy, compressed hitsound is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. There is a sense of bewonderment in simply roaming around the game- every single map tells a story. Even the ones that really sucked to play on (I thought Slums was cool, just saying). I can't recall how many times I wished I could openly explore this world filled with post-apocalyptic goodness. I've certainly had my share of good and bad experiences in the game, but it genuinely breaks my heart to see the developers run it into the ground. I used to wake up at 3 in the morning just from sheer excitement to go back on and play BLR. I still go on sometimes just to get a taste of what it used to be. I love this game to pieces, and I somehow wish that this review could single-handedly revive the game that time forgot. Maybe someday another Blacklight: Retribution will make it's way to my PC, but nothing can truly replace the nostalgia I get whenever I think back to the masterpiece that is BLR. So for now I say farewell...
Опубликовано 31 января 2019 г..
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95.4 ч. всего (16.4 ч. в момент написания)
I would definately recommend Warframe to someone who does not have a whole lot of money in their steam wallet. The graphics are amazing, mainly because somehow I can get it to run on a higher setting than most of my other games, and you are basically a ninja with whatever weapon you can afford in-game. It's pretty amazing being able to sprint, crawl, and flip your way across the room in a matter of seconds. Not only can you purchase weapons and gear, but you can also craft your own if you have the materials for it. I would say that the only problem with it, though, is the fact that you level up pretty slowly (at least I do) and from what levels I am able to play it seems that the goal is more or less the same. It still has plenty of enemies to kill in any fashion you can, and you always have to make a quick escape afterwards. I still think that this game is pretty cool for something that costs absolutely nothing.
Опубликовано 15 февраля 2014 г..
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