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I like the part when Chavez said "it's deceiving time" and started deceiving on everyone

I main larson like a POS :)

Postat 15 iunie 2023.
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A lot like fortnite
Postat 3 aprilie 2023.
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42.3 ore înregistrate (13.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I dont know how they did it or what magic was involved, but petting the cats gives your brain the happy juice. 11/10 would recommend.
Postat 10 februarie 2023.
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133.6 ore înregistrate (132.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Darwin project is a fun game where matches rarely last longer than 20 minutes. It's a hunger game style 10 player "battle royal" style game where there is often times a bonus player who plays as the director, gaining the ability to close areas, push players towards or away from one another, help players or make their lives hell. The more entertaining the director, the better the match IMO. Both director and survivor are fun, and the community isnt insanely toxic.
Postat 27 februarie 2020.
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Game sucks. Buggy, they dont even have among us or FNAF in it. Unplayable
Postat 30 iunie 2019. Editat ultima dată 26 mai 2023.
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59.7 ore înregistrate (13.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Engineer placed sentries+20 bustling fungus+15 soldier syrenge= Idle Simulator 2019
Postat 31 martie 2019.
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160.8 ore înregistrate (100.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Friday the 13th is a violent game of hide and seek with a twist, because if you're found, you die. This game is a fun game to play when you've got the right builds, but unfortunately those builds depend on lucky perk rolling. This game is also INSANELY buggy, with many crashes and glitches. This game SHOULD NOT have been released without proper testing and fixes.

This game also relies on LUCK to be Jason. You can have Jason set to your "preference" and play for 8 hours (for me I'm going on 9) and STILL not become him. Make a que system, where every round you play gets you points toward being Jason (except for the people who dont want to be him) that way EVERYONE can have a fair chance and we don't get the same person playing Jason 3 times in a row!

This game also punishes you for trying to save your friends, basically if you team kill you lose 1,000 points. Often times, you'll have a shotgun and Jason will have just picked up one of your friends, or someone is behind jason with him chasing them or you, if you SHOOT jason and the shot will hit Jason AND potentially your teammates that you were trying to saveand all of a sudden EVERY SINGLE POINT THAT ROUND is lost because you tried to save someone jason was about to kill.

Another issue is the price, any other game with this premice would be 20 dollars, even 15, but because this has a horror icon in it, they can bump the price up.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this game, but I can NOT tell anyone to buy this game in good concious.
Postat 19 iunie 2017. Editat ultima dată 19 iunie 2017.
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This game could end up being the type of game that is worth over 10 dollars, fortunately it's only 3. Needs lots of fixes, but it's still in alpha. Get the game now and enjoy seeing a soon to be successful game grow~

Postat 6 iunie 2017.
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0.8 ore înregistrate
It wouldnt even let me pass the second level...
Postat 15 martie 2016.
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2,167.2 ore înregistrate (54.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Grand Theft Auto V.
A game where you can play as an insane guy who kills 75 or more people within hours of finding out his "friend" didnt die.

Where you can play as some morally just gangbanger who claims to want out.

Were you can play as an old man with a nasty dirty cheating wife, a daughter following that easy path, and a dope-smoking wannabe gamer/homie otherwise known as "Jizzle" (Maybe he doesn't now what jizz is)

The story line so far is extremely entertaining, I love how you have to switch to different people so you can really get every part of the game. From sniping hoes, to torturing hoes, to blowing up a math lab after defending yours,

Each char has a "special" you're able to do, which really comes in handy.

Online is fun, I've found myself with my best friend spending hours doing basically nothing but hunting bounties and jacking cars.


Awesome story.
Epic gameplay.
Killing animals.


Game story is a bit short :(


I'd still recommend this game, because it's over all a pleasant game.Just watch for those haxors
Postat 9 noiembrie 2015.
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Se afișează 1-10 din 13 intrări