
Последние обзоры Little_Turnip

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623.8 ч. всего (465.8 ч. в момент написания)
I love Isaac! No, not in that way you weirdo.
Опубликовано 25 ноября 2021 г..
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50.4 ч. всего (48.9 ч. в момент написания)
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The game is pretty fun, but not as much fun as the party I have been having in my cave! I have put around 90% of my time in this game into making my team 20+ levels higher than the next gym, and into finding a rare orange squid that I am sure is there......any second now........and day now........maybe I'll find it next year......?
Опубликовано 25 ноября 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
1,158.0 ч. всего (852.5 ч. в момент написания)
Holy ****. A KFAD2 character reveal. We haven't got one of those in like two weeks and they are my absolute favorites (I know that's not an unpopular opinion). Of course the chip mashup sounds awesome as well. Not to sound like a broken record, but this is a new favorite of mine for sure
Опубликовано 5 июля 2019 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
8.5 ч. всего (8.4 ч. в момент написания)
Sonic adventure 2 (Battle) has some of the best child fighting I have ever seen. The real game is also good...I guess...
Опубликовано 23 ноября 2018 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
11.2 ч. всего (5.7 ч. в момент написания)
Doki Doki Literature Club has really opened my eyes. I realize now that, it is not just the genre of game, but rather the love and effort it takes to make that genre worth playing. This game, no, this experience is something that should be shared without spoilers and with (at least) one more person to share reading with. I used to think that visual novels were a waste of time and something that only lonely people (or online personalities) play to pass the time, but this game deserved all of the time that I put into it. I am seriously thinking of paying for the DLC of this game due to how great of an experience it truly was, and I wish Team Salvato the best on their next games!
Опубликовано 23 ноября 2017 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
17.4 ч. всего (16.9 ч. в момент написания)
People create great things...and people ruin great things
Опубликовано 25 ноября 2016 г..
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13.0 ч. всего (4.5 ч. в момент написания)
this is a beautiful game with nice cartoony graphics along with some gore here and there but the best part is all of the re-playabillity with all of the playable characters.
Опубликовано 26 июня 2014 г..
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