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13 achievement su 13 (100%) ottenuti:
Achievement personali


That hurt.
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Bald Murderer

Why, oh why?
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02


You don't always have to follow societal norms.
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Burnt Fire

I didn't start the fiiiire
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Chimney Snoop

just poking around the lair
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Tree Lover

not sponsored by any trees
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Helpful Bloke

she fell and you got her up
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Zombie Lover

patience pays off--especially when you're dead!
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Dirt Examiner

You took a close look at the ground (and found it dirty)
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

Ultimate Zen

Relax... just relax…
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02

This Could Be Bad

Well, she doesn't seem happy
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02


|[ni-pen-thee] | noun1 (also nepenthes) |nəˈpenTHēz| literary a drug described as banishing grief or trouble from a person's mind.• any drug or potion bringing welcome forgetfulness.[via Latin from Greek nēpenthēs  ‘dispelling pain,’ from nē-  ‘not’ + penthos  ‘grief.’]2 a plant of a genus that comprises the Old World pitcher plants.[modern Latin.]
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02


And Thus The World Became So
Sbloccato in data 29 mar 2020, ore 8:02