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86.5 hrs last two weeks / 755.0 hrs on record (93.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 26, 2021 @ 11:02pm
Updated: Mar 28, 2021 @ 4:30am

Graphic : it's alright. It's not Darkest Dungeon but its not bad
The best part of the graphic is you can see what equipment your enemy is wearing, which crucial for strategy
Music : pretty good
Gameplay : it's easy to understand but hard to master. Basically manage your mercenary company so you have enough gold to have good number of mercs (brothers) and equip them with the best possible equipment. So why is it hard to master, well the best part of this game is the AI

How should I describe the AI? It's very good. Every fight is challenging and every enemy has a different tactic they use
let's just say if you think Goblins are weak fodders, you are going to have a bad time
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