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張貼於:2022 年 1 月 15 日 下午 9:11
更新於:2022 年 1 月 28 日 上午 10:50

TLDR; 6/10 The PVP is terrible and can spoil the already uninteresting plot, plus the gameplay is incredibly repetitive. (Shocker) Don't bother buying for any more than $30 MAX.

Deathloop is yet another sloppy attempt by Arkane studios to recreate what made their early titles so engaging and fun. If you have Played Prey and or Dishonored, you have essentially played this game but much less repetitive and boring. Deathloop takes what is already an overused plot device, the classic groundhog day time loop story, and does absolutely nothing to make it interesting.

All the innovation this game has compared to other Arkane titles is a shoehorned and egregiously bad PVP invasion system that’s buggy and wildly unbalanced. With well over 20 hours of playing, I only lost 1 invasion as Colt. This is saying something since I am notoriously bad at first-person shooters, and what’s even worse is this system is so blatantly unfinished it can spoil the game for you if you play it. Basically, if you are invading you spawn in as Julianna and you get to hear along with the player you’re invading Colt and Julianna talking to each other just like in the campaign. However if you happen to invade someone who’s further along in the story than you are, this system can spoil the game for you without any warning whatsoever. Which I sadly had to learn the hard way because, that exact thing happened to me, so I had a major plot point completely ruined for me pretty early on due to this awful mechanic.

Everything else about this game can be found in every other Arkane game except at least in their other titles they’re used much more effectively in both gameplay and plot. All Deathloop has to go for is decent voice acting and gameplay that’s fun at first but gets very quickly repetitive due to the very nature of the game itself.

As for the plot this game has static, forgettable, unrelatable characters, and an uninteresting and very buggy world. That has little to no real exploration value. I found exploring and completing side objectives to be almost entirely pointless since fighting and killing Julianna/visionaries is so braindead easy it’s much easier and faster to just speedrun through levels killing everyone and waiting for a Julianna to show up and spoon feed you high tier weapons and mods, which is almost entirely how I got my god-tier arsenal. On top of this, all the powers you get in the game are also pretty basic and range from broken as ♥♥♥♥ to completely useless. Most of these rarely have much use in the regular campaign other than the teleport ability which is almost essential to having fun and getting things done quickly and efficiently. Other than that most of these only become useful when being invaded, but since the invasion system is already fundamentally broken the powers are still almost completely unnecessary to win. Seriously if you lose an invasion as Colt you are either afk, or you seriously have to be brain dead, since you get 3 lives, and most of the time You’re Julianna is gonna be too busy struggling with the game's net code to hunt you down.

Having said all that, I honestly wouldn’t bother buying Deathloop unless they decide to slap on a very hefty discount. If you buy this game for any more than maybe $25-30 you’re getting scammed. There are much better games out there that use a similar plot device that is more fun and fleshed out (12 Minutes as an example). So all in all I’m giving Deathloop a 6/10. Arkane needs to start making some actual new games, and not repurposing the same mechanics over and over, progressively making them worse and worse with each game.
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