MBTK | limmy
ask me for a play review of tropical jazz video games

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56시간 플레이
Let any fish who meets my gaze learn the true meaning of fear; for I am the harbinger of death. The bane of creatures sub-aqueous, my rod is true and unwavering as I cast into the aquatic abyss. A man, scorned by this uncaring Earth, finds solace in the sea. My only friend, the worm upon my hook. Wriggling, writhing, struggling to surmount the mortal pointlessness that permeates this barren world. I am alone. I am empty. And yet, I fish.
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플레이 시간
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Bedük Fan Club - 공개 그룹
Çağımızın En Büyük Sanatçısı İçin Kurulmuş Bir Grup
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아이템 전시대
최근 활동
기록상 25시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 4일
기록상 24시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 4일
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