Tobias   Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Не надано жодної інформації.
Зараз не в мережі
Caine 23 лип. 2015 о 17:59 
I also know a little german language, 'n' culture, which is what really got me with your videos when I found out you lived in germany.
Caine 23 лип. 2015 о 17:57 
Sorry, I've just been really bored, and after finding this game I wanted an insight from youtube, you were the only good source I've seen, and it's exciting to have a new friend, especially one who can play classic games with you. I just really like games, and playing with people.
Caine 23 лип. 2015 о 17:55 
I'm getting the game tomorrow, maybe you can record an MP game?
Caine 23 лип. 2015 о 17:55 
I don't own Seven Kingdoms HD yet, but could you tell me if the Kharshuf's Wilde Loshurr can give you Life Energy if they kill units? I would assume not since they attack everyone but the Karshuf.