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60/60 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Hooked on a Feline

Collect all the Cat Idols
Avattu 23.6.2019 klo 15.33

When is a door not a door?

Collect all the Canopic Jars
Avattu 23.6.2019 klo 15.35

To preserve the past is to save the future

Complete the Main Relic Collection
Avattu 23.6.2019 klo 15.32

Purloined Letters

Complete the Main Diary Collection
Avattu 6.6.2021 klo 13.56

7 league boots

Travel for a little over 24 miles
Avattu 17.6.2019 klo 11.52

Master of the Armoury

Unlock all the weapons
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 19.08

Master of the Mystical

Unlock/Find every kind of Amulet and Gem
Avattu 5.12.2021 klo 14.44

Nobody Likes a Show-Off

Chain 3 Amulet Attacks in a row
Avattu 17.6.2019 klo 13.12

For King and Country

Banish Ammit and defeat Seteki without delivering the Coup de Grace
Avattu 5.12.2021 klo 14.56

Smile, you Son of a B…

Shoot Seteki from Ammit's Jaws
Avattu 28.11.2021 klo 19.45

Not Out

Kill 501 Enemies
Avattu 19.4.2019 klo 16.05

Queensberry Rules, ok?

Flatten 100 enemies with a melee attack
Avattu 22.6.2019 klo 19.14


Collect 10000 Gold from Chests
Avattu 17.6.2019 klo 11.47

What have you got against pottery?

Destroy 100 pots
Avattu 19.4.2019 klo 15.12

The Pharoah's Curse

Die 50 times
Avattu 28.11.2021 klo 12.51

It's not theft if you put it in a museum

Find a Relic
Avattu 18.4.2019 klo 18.01

For Medicinal Purposes

Drink 6 health potions within a level without dying or restarting
Avattu 19.4.2019 klo 15.38

This Is Becoming A Little Awkward

Exit a Sarcophagus 5 times without restarting
Avattu 20.6.2019 klo 14.29

Hydra's Teeth

Kill 100 skeletons
Avattu 20.6.2019 klo 14.09

The trick is not minding that it hurts

Spend a total of 20 minute at the low health level
Avattu 21.4.2019 klo 12.54

There's no 'I' in Team…but there is a 'me'

Complete a level with each of the first four Brigade members
Avattu 17.6.2019 klo 13.20

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Savant

Solve every kind of puzzle door across the game
Avattu 22.6.2019 klo 19.04

Capital shot!

Kill 3 enemies with a single shot
Avattu 18.4.2019 klo 18.52

One Simply Doesn't Rush These Things

Annoy the Narrator
Avattu 18.4.2019 klo 17.55

These Are My Fighting Trousers

Melee kill 5 enemies in 30 seconds
Avattu 20.6.2019 klo 15.01

Stiff Upper Lip

Kill 20 enemies while on low health
Avattu 18.4.2019 klo 18.39

Save Our Souls

Destroy a Soul Cage
Avattu 19.4.2019 klo 16.07

Wonderful Things

Open the Sarcophagus Room in Harbin's Dig Site
Avattu 18.4.2019 klo 18.48

Bully For You!

Defeat The Champion in Hidden Valley
Avattu 19.4.2019 klo 16.07

The Mote out of thine eye

Complete the Beam Puzzle in Tunnels of Wadjet
Avattu 21.4.2019 klo 12.14

Get down, Shep!

Defeat the Guardian in The Towering Temple
Avattu 21.4.2019 klo 13.20

Dangers Untold

Solve the Maze and open the door in Cutthroat Caverns
Avattu 20.6.2019 klo 15.29

Hammer of the Gods

Kill the Hammer Champion in Cursed Village
Avattu 20.6.2019 klo 14.10

A secret door to another world?

Open the Hidden Relic Room in Forsaken City
Avattu 22.6.2019 klo 19.37

Eye say!

Activate the Death Ray in the Great Pyramid level
Avattu 23.6.2019 klo 15.09

Back From the Mouth of Hell

Complete the First Round in Horde
Avattu 23.8.2019 klo 17.49

Evasive Action

Get to Horde Wave 4 without taking any damage
Avattu 5.12.2021 klo 15.08

Pay the Piper

Open a Gold Door in Horde
Avattu 23.8.2019 klo 17.08

Everybody needs a hobby

Rescue a teammate from a sarcophagus 10 times
Avattu 9.10.2021 klo 20.05

I'm stuck with a valuable friend

Collect double the Gold of each of your teammates
Avattu 28.11.2021 klo 12.32

Now That's Just Not Cricket

Kill a teammate with any kind of trap
Avattu 19.4.2019 klo 15.03

Cat got your tongue?

Collect the golden Cat Idol from the jungle
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 17.15

Pirates' Plunder!

Dig up all of the figures lost to the jungle
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 17.12

A smashing good time!

Destroy all Canopic Jars hidden in the jungle
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 17.10


Find all of the Diaries in the jungle
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 17.16

By George, I think they've got it!

Collect the first half of the Shield of Bes
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 17.24

The cat that got the cream....

Collect the Cat Idol from the cave
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.05

Treasures of the Earth!

Unearth all of the figures lost to the cave
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.06

Conopic chaos complete!

Destroy all Canopic Jars hidden in the cave
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.02

Knowledge is power!

Find all of the Diaries in the cave
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 17.59

The heart of the mountain!

Collect the second half of the shield of Bes
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.13

Combing the Cat-a-combs

Collect the Cat Idol from beyond the Pyramids
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.56

Ancient Action-Figures!

Find all of the figures lost in Egypt
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.46

Don't go breaking my jar!

Destroy all Canopic Jars hidden at the Pyramid
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.47

...and read all over!

Find all Diaries near the Pyramid
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.56

Is that the Bes you can do?

Reassemble the Shield of Bes
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 18.58

And stay down!

Defeat the evil that lurks in the Pyramid
Avattu 4.12.2021 klo 19.06

Snap Decision

Enter photo mode
Avattu 15.4.2019 klo 19.26

Portrait of an adventurer

Unhide the player and hide UI in a picture. Point camera at the player
Avattu 17.6.2019 klo 12.23

Definition of courage

Complete the game on Extreme difficulty
Avattu 28.11.2021 klo 19.46