Hi :)   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Fair play to Aaron Hunt went from chilling with simple Simon and Luke Bennett to kicking ball with Wayne Rooney around his gaff proper sound geeza aswell

02/11/18 ~ Dublin, Ireland ✅
04/02/19 ~ Lisbon, Portugal ✅
13/06/19 ~ Kraków, Poland ✅
15/06/19 ~ Tokyo, Japan ✅
25/10/19 ~ Stockholm/Linköping, Sweden ✅
29/10/19 ~ Sofia/Plovdiv, Bulgaria ✅
07/02/20 ~ Singapore (City), Singapore ✅
20/11/21 ~ Tbilisi, Georgia ✅
02/11/22 ~ Istanbul, Turkey ✅
24/10/23 ~ Rochester, New York ✅
??/??/24 ~

I enjoy travelling and will have some cool trips planned soon :D
evie Jul 1 @ 10:13am 
1. The smaller the circle, the better the people.
2. No one spectates you at the start but they do when you get close to winning.
3. You dont get mats from breaking someone else's builds.
4. The people with scars are the strongest.
5. How do you expect to get highground if you dont take time to build?
6. Metal takes longer to build but it lasts longer in the end.
7. Even when you get a kill, watch out for third parties trying to steal your loot.
8. If they werent in the storm with you, then why take them to the final circle.
9. Appreciate every season you never know if its the last chapter.
10. Gliders will help when you are at your highest and leave when you at your lowest.
11. Always act confident, never let them know you are 1hp.
12. Even the best players sometimes get lost in the storm.
13. You can wrap yourself up with bandages but you will never fully be healed.
14. Dont treat her like a gold pump if she treat you like a grey tech.
maiden :3 Jun 11 @ 2:58pm 
based inuyasha pfp
cosmetical #FREEME Jun 4 @ 5:22am 
This player has potential but needs improvement in several areas. They should work on communication, aiming, map awareness, crosshair placement, grenade usage, positioning, bomb-related tactics, movement, spray control, and securing kills. Better communication will help them coordinate with teammates. Improving aim and crosshair placement is crucial for winning engagements. They should enhance map awareness to anticipate enemy movements. Mastering grenade usage can provide tactical advantages. Better positioning and movement will make them harder to kill. Understanding bomb tactics is essential for team play. Lastly, improving their ability to secure kills, including aiming and staying calm under pressure, will make them a more valuable player.
drw May 30 @ 2:07pm 
Brian :dl_dt:
Brian May 30 @ 11:48am 
Thank you so much! :heart::winter2019happyyul:
Ghost May 30 @ 11:27am 
The Sydney sleeper is for sale ^v^ I could do 4 keys for it for the andrevv signature.