CCA Observer
Jack   Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
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Soopy 7.1.2021 klo 15.21 
This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).
Croph 10.4.2019 klo 20.45 
Howdy, my name is Rawhide Kobayashi. I'm a 27 year old Japanese Japamerican (western culture fan for you foreigners). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior American passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently leave my ranch embled on a cattle's hide because it is white-hot, and is vastly superior to any other method of livestock marking. I earned my branding license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both Texas and Oklahoma dialect, and I write fluently as well.
Croph 10.4.2019 klo 20.45 
I know everything about American history and their cowboy code, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to Dallas to work in an oil field to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a cattle wrangler for the Double Cross Ranch or an oil rig operator for Exxon-Mobil! I own several cowboy hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America!
Ninexus 30.3.2018 klo 21.32 
Photoshop is like art for computer. Once you leave it, you never come back, and neither does your girlfriend. Perhaps that's why I'm here. Not for insight but to vent. Thanks for the help. +rep
Undertow 13.7.2017 klo 14.21 
Hello, I am the administrator of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥™. We have noticed you haven't logged in for 2 weeks. I'm just checking to see if everything is okay. We've prepared a list of all your favourite videos from your favorite category (Gay Hentai) the next time you log into our website. See you soon, kingmasturbator28!
Sharkeleton of Wales 2.4.2017 klo 0.59 
If my girl👧😍 and my beyblades💯🔥 are both drowning🌊😦 and I could only save one😄☝️️ you can Catch me letting it rip at my girls funeral😅👻💀 Cause it's bey blade or catch a fade my ♥♥♥♥♥🙏👊 😠💯😭