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3 people found this review helpful
8.5 hrs on record
This game definitely has potential. The core gameplay is fun, though repetitive at times. The art and music in this game is phenomenal, and the intro video is one of the best intros I've ever seen to a videogame. The solo player experience is alright; this game really shines in multiplayer. But be forewarned, the matchmaking in this game is a little lousy; you can either do Quickplay that puts you in a random level with other players, or you can host an Open Lobby which very rarely ever sees other players join. I really hope to see this game grow.
Posted September 16, 2023.
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43.7 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Listen to me, and listen well. This game, it's no ordinary game. I have neglected my health, family, and fortune, and for what? For these forsaken crabs and their military arsenals. I may never see the day of light again, but its not too late for you. Run you sweet summer child. Run far, far away and never look back, not for a single second. Even glancing upon this game will suck you in, devour your soul, and and leave nothing but an empty shell forced to play this game for all of eternity.

Posted April 8, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
5.1 hrs on record
A passable but disappointing title that falls short of the brilliance of the original game.

Many characters from the original game are either completely missing, only briefly mentioned, or show up for short, pointless cameos. If you were looking for any meaningful backstories or character developments outside of Zoe, you'll be disappointed. It doesn't contribute much to the story, with the exception of introducing Kaito who has no relevance to the original game anyways.

For the most part, this game stays true for the Road 96 core gameplay with a heavy focus on narrative over action. That said, there is a new reoccurring feature to the gameplay that sticks out like a sore thumb: the skating sequences. Visually neat, but mechanically shallow, uninteresting, and slows the game down when all I want is to progress the story. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact you have 10 whopping skating sequences to go through.

The nail on the coffin is the god-awful fight scene at the end of the game. What were the developers thinking? It completely destroys the tension of what is the single most tense part of the game with the most overly-dramatic, cheesy Street-Fighter fighting sequence. I know Road 96 isn't shy of trying to get some laughs from the audience, but this instance was so poorly timed and detracts so heavily from what is supposed to be a serious moment.

Overall, if you're looking for some more Road 96 content, then this is probably for you. The story is decent, the art style is there, the music is still great. But if you're wondering if this is a "must-buy" for Road 96 fans, it most definitely is not. It falls short on so many aspects while introducing nothing new to the original formula. Buy it if you really want, but know that you aren't missing much if you skip it.
Posted April 5, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record
Me: "Mom, I want Geometry Dash."
Mom: "We have Geometry Dash at home."
Geometry Dash at home:
Posted February 28, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
37.9 hrs on record
This game is a 10/10 and great pick if you're looking for a shorter and easy-to-pickup RPG.

I love the art style, the world, and all the characters. Everything is bursting with personality and it just feels like the developers spent extra effort in the small details of everything.

The combat is fantastic, a mix between traditional turn-based RPG and deck builder. In the start, you have limited moves and everything feels very simple, but this game really shines in the end. You will have 5 different playable characters with their own card collections; you get to mix-and-match not only the characters you use but also the selection of cards from each character to use. You tailor your playstyle to exactly what you feel like at any given time.

This game is yet another terrific addition to the SteamWorld collection, and I honestly hope we see a sequel in the future.
Posted February 9, 2023.
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5.5 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
10/10 baboons approve. Kids, eat your hot dogs to raise your power levels
Posted January 24, 2023.
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20.4 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So far so good! I've just grazed the surface of this game and already I'm loving the variety of fish. Like real fishing, you've got to learn about what the fish will bite, experiment with different lures and locations, and upgrade your equipment for bigger catches. The game is in early access, so there are a few weird glitches here in there (my fishing rod clipped into the dock I was fishing from and I have to reset the location to get it back). There is a little bit of a grind to get your XP and cash up, so if patience isn't your thing, you might want to pass. Otherwise, I'm super excited to see where the devs will take this game!
Posted January 1, 2023.
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18.4 hrs on record
I really wish Steam had a "Meh" button for reviews. Like this game is good, I enjoyed playing it for the most part, but it is by no means a masterpiece.

I'll start off with highlighting the Pros. Aesthetically, it's very similar to a "Happy Tree Friends" style. All of the characters are bright and cartoon-ish in a world plagued with violence, the occult, and gore. It's hilarious to watch two of your followers fight it out to the death and then immediately sacrificing the winner to a Lovecraftian tentacle monster.

This game brings together a mix of various genres all in one package. Rogue-liike dungeon crawling, resource management, sandbox crafting/decorating, and a RPG like progression system. There's a little bit here for everyone to enjoy.

Knucklebones is easily one of my favorite minigames in a game ever. It's simple to learn, yet the strategy brings a layer of complexity I wasn't expecting.

Now the Cons... Earlier, I mentioned this game brought a lot of aspects from different genres, which is a solid idea. However, the execution was poor. Everything about this game is SHALLOW. The gameplay is just watered down Binding of Isaac with a little bit of crafting thrown in. There's very few weapon choices, and they all play exactly the same, just with different attack rates and base damage. The spells are also very lackluster, just different variations of a basic projectile attack. Every zone is bland, all of the enemies and bosses are forgettable, most of the side quests are boring fetch quests. It leaves me wishing they had focused more time on the gameplay than they did the art.

The resource and progression system does not curve well into the endgame. I had maxed out my crown powers and unlocked just about everything I wanted a little after halfway through the game. This made the second half of the game extremely boring; just keep your followers alive and speed through the crusades until you hit the final boss. I was breezing through combat to the point I would just dive on top of bosses and spam my attack until they died.

Speaking of bosses, the end boss was a huge let down. No spoilers, but I hope you're not expecting some epic, difficult showdown. It just isn't there.

Overall, for $25 it's still probably worth a buy. Maybe just don't feel pressured into completing it, cause trust me, once the "honeymoon" phase of buying this game is over, its just downhill from there. Definitely not one of Devolver's finer works, but also not the worst. I would love to revisit this game if they decided to release some DLC expanding the gameplay.
Posted August 18, 2022.
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5 people found this review helpful
3.5 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This was a big disappointment, I was hoping so much more from this game, but sadly, regardless of which role I play, its just not a satisfying game.

Teen is unplayable from horrible queue times due to a lack of players willing to play as the monster. This game was only released on Steam 10 days ago and already there is a monster shortage. That's a big red flag.

If you do manage to get into a game as Teen, you'll see that it's just alright. Crafting weapons and attacking the Monster is fun, but being chased is boring since chases only last a few seconds. There's no getting away if you get caught out in the open without a weapon.

Monster is where this game really sucks. Chase down the Teens without weapons, and avoid the ones with weapons. Not a lot of skill, just a lousy game of cat and mouse. Also as Monster, you get punished for just about anything you do. Chase an armed Teen, they turn around and attack. Chase an unarmed Teen, they kite you to an armed Teen who attacks you. Run away from the armed Teens, just give the other Teens time to make more weapons. Regardless of what you do, you lose. And even if you come out with the win, you'll have wasted so much of your dignity running away from Teens that it will still feel like a Loss.

And of course, gotta talk about the matchmaking, because there is no matchmaking. Whoever you go against is completely random, which basically always results in a one-sided match where nobody has fun.

This game is going down the drain with the other failures like Friday the 13th, Last Year, and Deathgarden. I was so hyped for this to come out. This is beyond disappointing.
Posted July 28, 2022.
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11.9 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
Just as good as Turtles in Time, which extra challenges and achievements for replayability. Whether you''re playing online, local co-op, or solo, this game will be extremely fun.
Posted June 17, 2022.
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