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Recente recensies door Brother Chudarion

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363.5 uur in totaal (174.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
After playing the game for a few hours on Laconia I managed to stumble my way into two military bases, looted them and got geared up with enough grenades to make a suicide bomber jealous, and procured an SKS rifle and some ammo I found on a zombie. I contracted cholera from a canteen I drank out of and proceeded to run towards a town to try and find meds. In the outskirts of this town I stumbled upon two gentlemen in a house. One was eating and the other one kept watch on the window with an axe. I murdered the one eating with two shots and was then ran down by the man with the axe, to which I fell back and popped two shots into his chest and killed him. After looting them I heard someone punching something outside and to my surprise found an Asian man in a boonie hat. He followed me around like a lost puppy to which I helped feed him and found a working car and guns with him. I couldn’t find enough trust to stay with him though, even after watching him murder a chicken with a pick axe and look to me to make sure I was keeping watch. I had to leave my Asian speaking friend though and carry on with my nomadic journey alone. 10/10 experience coming back into DayZ after 4 years.
Geplaatst 21 februari 2021.
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19.8 uur in totaal (18.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
If you want PTSD from the first world war then this game is for you. There are some minor balance issues with some maps and there are very blatant bugs you may see when playing the game, however it's still in very early access and I believe this game has the potential to be amazing. It already is a very fun game, and the community of the game makes it all the better.

If you're looking to get a game focused around the first world war and want something with a mix of BF1 and Squad then this is the game for you my friend.
Geplaatst 16 november 2020.
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6.3 uur in totaal (4.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Honestly good, wasn't sure what I was expecting going into it but It's a really well made game and cant wait for the full version.

All my friends know what I've done...
Geplaatst 16 september 2019.
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22 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
72 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
1.6 uur in totaal (1.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I got banned from Twitch for this... I now question my fragile masculinity
Geplaatst 30 maart 2019.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
11 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
249.2 uur in totaal (98.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
-Joins Game on Crete
-Joins Germans
-Becomes Officer because no one wants to be one
-Runs to C flag with a Radioman and a Rifleman
-I Kneel down and say "Men, I have something to tell you..."
-They both look me in the eyes
-I say with tears welling up in my eyes, "Don't tell anyone what I'm about to say... okay?"
-They nod
-"I'm Jewish..." I say faintly
-The Rifleman Aims his KAR 98
-"I Trusted you!" He Yells.
-The Radioman Puts his rifle to the Riflemans head
-"I'm sorry", I whisper, "I've let you down".
-The Rifleman pulls the trigger and ends my life
-Radioman pulls trigger and ends his life
-Flamethrower runs up the stairs and engulfs the Radioman in a wall of flames
-British Troops capture the flag
-Britain Wins
-Team Votes to Kick Me
-I am kicked and am sent the message "Traitor"

10/10 I Play this game all the time.
Geplaatst 27 februari 2017.
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