Dark Hobnob
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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3 646 timmar totalt
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110 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 6 jun
15,9 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 5 jun
JinFury 3 maj @ 18:01 
I thought Bro was Chad and I rematched him, but when he was defeated, he couldn't digest it and started spamming brokenly. Typical lars player i think
ITzZAK330 28 feb @ 16:06 
You're really gonna spam the same move over and over again... you don't deserve your rank on Tekken
s1mon 9 jan @ 13:00 
-rep hax
GodSent 9 jan @ 12:59 
obvious toggling ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Tavi 24 nov, 2023 @ 13:37 
-cheater noob
Matejko 16 okt, 2023 @ 15:55 
noob skill issue gte gud delete game you bad idiot 0 skill just luck