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Hunt: Showdown
Senaste aktiviteterna
0,9 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 29 maj
4 322 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 19 maj
672 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 27 apr
[scumge] Pyro 16 aug, 2023 @ 14:33 
Nice shots
brox 16 aug, 2023 @ 13:55 
leaveing team to look for rotjaw when theres already 2 bosses on the map... wow
Vodkanadian 16 aug, 2023 @ 9:45 
Gotta respect the lad who starts the fight with a sledgehammer throw
noobdrone1 8 aug, 2023 @ 14:50 
well played, too the last second, GG!:huntbounty::hunted::huntcrosses:
PliableFoe 7 aug, 2023 @ 21:09 
and you're welcome for the carry
PliableFoe 7 aug, 2023 @ 21:07 
our partner needed ammo, we were headed to the resupply...if you had been near us you would have known. you made the assumption that we were extracting and it got us killed.

you are garbage my dude.