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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 36
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13.0 Std. insgesamt
Game is good and very well made with minimal bugs. However, the game is straight up unplayable unless you have an SSD.

Literally will take 10 minutes for the game to even start and once it does there will be constant freezes, frame rate drops, and crashes. Installing the game onto an internal SSD is quite literally the only solution unless you have more patience than a saint.

Otherwise fun game. Wish there was more content though, like a longer story or more PVE missions.

Also, they have the Salamander chapter colors but there is no Flamethrower available for multiplayer missions so you can't roleplay as a Salamander. So hopefully they add that in ta future update.
Verfasst am 12. September. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 23. September.
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18.2 Std. insgesamt
This game is in such an interesting spot.

I remember when it was first released, it had lots of negative reviews due to its abundance of bugs, repetitive gameplay, and outlandish monetization scheme.

Recently though this game seems to have had a resurgence and is a shining example of what the Assassin's Creed franchise could have been if it hadn't pivoted into an action RPG.

However, when reviewing a game it's important to judge the game for what it actually is now as opposed to what it is in hindsight.

So the TL;DR is: This game, currently as it stands, is still not great. It's still got game breaking bugs, it still has an abysmal monetization strategy in place, and it's story is an embarrassment for the time period that it takes place in. But it's still the definitive "Assassin's Creed" experience that old fans of the franchise like to remember.

Story: It's really bad. For a game that takes place during the freaking French Revolution, the assassins and the characters don't seem to really interact with the time period in any meaningful way. It's such a shame too cause there was so much potential here but it's all just treated like the B-plot to the online aspects of this game that DOES deal with the French Revolution.

Gameplay: When the parkour system works, it works REALLY well. Almost revolutionary. But when it's jank, it's REALLY jank and makes you wonder how the devs released it in this state. Combat is punishing, pushing you to play with more of a stealth approach which I actually prefer. However, the stealth system is also inherently really buggy due to some enemies being able to detect you while across the map. It's really quite awful and takes away from the experience in a lot of ways.

Graphics: Looks amazing. Not really much to complain about other than the few bugs that I experienced.

The game is kneecapped by the online functionality. A lot of the mechanics of the game are expecting you to be grinding out the multiplayer on some level. For example, there is a "Title" system in the game where the more you do as an Assassin, the more points you get and the more grand your title becomes. But it's literally impossible to get the max title by exclusively doing the singleplayer, even if you 100% the singleplayer.

This design philosophy permeates through the entire game and with the online essentially being dead at this point, there's no way to experience the game as the devs intended. This game feels more like a dying MMO than a singleplayer Assassins Creed game with online functionalities.

Overall: There are some amazing ideas in this game that I'm sure we all wish Ubisoft would just take into their newer Assassins Creed titles. But to say that this game is "good" would be a disservice to good Assassins Creed games. However, it's still the best depiction of where the franchise should have gone, and for that alone it's worth to buy/play on a deep discount.
Verfasst am 28. August.
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47.1 Std. insgesamt
Pretty good
Verfasst am 6. Juli.
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27.0 Std. insgesamt
One of the better rougelike games out there. The writing and story for the game is also pretty interesting. Definitely worth a buy!
Verfasst am 26. März.
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59.0 Std. insgesamt (22.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The democratic process has never felt so fulfilling.
Verfasst am 24. Februar.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
5.0 Std. insgesamt
Visually fantastic. If you're a fan of Claude Monet then you will be entertained.

The puzzles aren't hard until the end, but they're challenging enough to where you won't breeze through them.

The only bad thing I can say about this game is that there are a decent amount of bugs. Several times during my time with this game did I get assets that were glitching into each other and resulted in me having to hard reset a level and redo all the puzzles up to that point.

I will say though that those moment were few and far between.

Overall solid game that doesn't overstay its welcome!
Verfasst am 22. Januar.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
1.3 Std. insgesamt
This game has the kind of story that hits so much harder if you are in Kavin's shoes. The dialogue from Kavin and his mom Venba hit's ridiculously close to home, and at times made me choke up because they reminded me of conversations I've had myself.

The art style for the game is so unique and eye catching that you can't help but appreciate it, and how wonderful it makes the characters and the dishes look.

If you are someone who can relate to this game, or even someone just interested Indian cuisine and how it relates to the people who cook it, I can't recommend this game enough.
Verfasst am 15. Januar.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
33.7 Std. insgesamt (26.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
One of the best stealth tactical RPGs out there. Characters are charming and likeable, the story is surprisingly interesting, and the theme / artstyle is unique and sets it apart from other games in the genre.

The studio behind this game know exactly what they are doing, and this game deserves all of the praise it receives.

The only gripe I had was a strange crash after playing for more than 3 hours. But it happens very rarely and could also be specific to my hardware.

Overall 5/5
Verfasst am 2. Januar.
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7.9 Std. insgesamt
Great concept, great execution. Didn't overstay its welcome by being only around 9 hours long. The only thing I wish they added was a way to organize the words so that it's easier to reference.

Regardless absolutely worth the price for such a novel experience. Looking forward to the team's next game!
Verfasst am 3. Dezember 2023.
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1.6 Std. insgesamt (1.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Incredible game. The gameplay is very straightforward and simple. You gather paint by solving very simple puzzles, and you use them to create pre-determined paintings.

I'd hesitate to call anything in this game a challenge, however the main draw of this game is the story and the way it is told.

Everything about the animation, the music, and the atmosphere is phenomenal and dev team has done an incredible job getting the emotions through to the players in regards to the story.

If you're looking for a cozy, interesting, and relaxing game that won't run more than 2 hours, I cannot recommend this game enough.
Verfasst am 3. Dezember 2023.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 36