Đarky ^^
Warrington, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Destaque de artes
Felix ^^
10 6
Item favorito da Oficina
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SolarisServers - Grupo público
Добро пожаловать в группу игровых серверов L4D2!
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Na conversa
Adoranrad 13 de mai. às 10:24 
we can try one more game if you want
sen 31/dez./2023 às 9:44 
стояк2 24/out./2023 às 9:24 
truebwatch 15/abr./2022 às 15:27 
+rep clutchminister :D
Snowy ^^ 1/ago./2021 às 5:06 
+rep good player and perct licking
byteframe's cat 27/abr./2020 às 1:33 
Now I lay me down to sleep
I hear the sirens in the street
All my dreams are made of chrome
I have no way to get back home
- Tom Waits

Mal: "Inara, think you could stoop to being on my arm?"

Inara: "Will you wash it first?"

Q: How many existentialists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Two. One to screw it in and one to observe how the light bulb
itself symbolizes a single incandescent beacon of subjective
reality in a netherworld of endless absurdity reaching out toward a
maudlin cosmos of nothingness.
Diamonds are not, despite popular belief, carbon. They are, in fact, Chuck Norris fecal matter. This was proven a recently, when scientific analysis revealed what appeared to be Jean-Claude Van Damme bone fragments inside the Hope Diamond.
<tigah_-> i have 4gb for /tmp
<Knghtbrd> What do you do with 4G /tmp? Compile X?
<tigah_-> yes
