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4.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm one of those people who witness the drama and then go on to check out what all the special little snowflakes got all upset about. Admittedly, I haven't finished all the available episodes yet. But frankly: I don't need to. This game is great. No, none of the "puzzles" are overly complicated. But that's not what we're all here for, anyway, right? The story just instantly draws you in, pins you down and doesn't let you leave for at least a good hour of playtime at a time. The game had me sitting in my seat, snickering to myself and just on the edge to see where "Andy"'s and "Leyley"'s adventures lead them next. No, this game most certainly is not meant for everybody. But it's no secret or new discovery that not everyone can appreciate a masterpiece or art in general. Let me remind you that fiction does not equal reality. If you can't differentiate between the two then, trust me, this game is the least of your problems. Be aware of the themes this game explores. And be your own judge on whether you can handle them or not. Do recommend giving it a try, though.
Posted March 19. Last edited March 19.
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17.9 hrs on record
I went into this game completely blind and, in the end, I am glad that I did.
I'm not going to say too much since I don't want to spoil anything.
Just go into this with an open mind. Be aware of the darker themes.
And simply enjoy the game.
Posted March 16.
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198.5 hrs on record (41.2 hrs at review time)
After around 40 hours of Gameplay,
I have to admit that I feel a bit torn on a recommendation. It's an amazing game with an amazing story and everything else you could possibly want. HOWEVER; it's definitely not for the casual gamer. Even if you choose the easiest difficulty, you will be faced with the Game Over screen more times than you can count if you don't prepare properly for a battle or just rush in without thinking too hard about it. Saving your game is your constant companion. Feel like you're running into a cutscene or battle? Save your game. Feel like you somehow managed to get through an important dialoge or scene? Save your game. Made it through a random check? Save your game. The Autosave function is nice and certainly appreciated, but not necessarily reliable. The amount of times I had to replay scenes either because I died in the following battle or had a crash happen can be a rather frustrating experience for a player who is indeed mainly there for the story rather than the battles themselves. You will also be punished if you're bad at the game. Didn't manage to save a key character? Good luck fighting a battle without them. Weren't smart enough to take out an enemy in an earlier scene or at an earlier opportunity? Good luck fighting them later on when they will most definitely be a worse pain in your bum. I had to go to the internet a lot in my 40 hours of gameplay, just to see how other people managed to get through certain points that I found myself stuck at. And luckily, I wasn't alone. But again, constant saving will certainly save you from a lot of hardship. I had to replay sections of the game because I was stuck, reloading an earlier save file to change the outcome of something just so I could actually make progress in some way or another. So all in all, I will recommend this game. Because it is a truly wonderful game, story and work of passion. However, I will warn more casual players just like myself to keep in mind that this will be very frustrating and you might find yourself stuck a lot and having to befriend that Game Over screen as well as the loading screens alot. I had to take breaks from this game, not becaue I didn't want to continue playing, but because I was feeling worn down and exhausted from trying to think of different ways on how I could approach a fight just to fail over and over again.

Edit: And after 100+ hours and my characters at Max Lvl; I have to say that the frustration doesn't lessen, especially when you head into the final battles. I have no idea how some of you people get through these fights, honestly. Utterly stuck trying to get to the crown of Karsus without dying and having even less of a chance to actually defeat the brain once I manage to at least squeeze a single character in (managed to get max. 3 characters in, but not without one of them dying in the meantime). The fact that Isobel's healing is useable only once doesn't help either. I used it in a previous fight I was struggling with as well and am now stuck trying to figure out the final fight without it. On top of that, whenever you summon Zevlor the man does literally nothing aside from stand around and the Owlbear is utterly useless if he actually funtions and doesn't just randomly run around the map before vanishing completely. Also had Aylin bug out and just stand around. Bugs happen, I get it. But it doesn't help when you're already beyond frustrated and at your billionth attempt at trying to get through this mess. So again, casual gamers beware. The story can motivate you to get through most of the more frustrating encounters, but eventually that well ran dry for me.
Posted August 7, 2023. Last edited August 25, 2023.
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3.2 hrs on record
Fun little game to waste some time on.
The writing is a bit clunky. Not sure if it's a translation issue or just a general writing issue.
Both routes have multiple endings that are slightly different. Said routes having rather charming love interests.
It's a bit lackluster if you're looking for something romance heavy and in-depth. But overall it's still a fluffy warm experience.
Posted July 25, 2023.
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3.7 hrs on record
The game leans a bit heavy into the comedic aspect and while I know it's not for everybody, I'd like to argue that it adds to the game's charm. It's definitely something fun to play through if you're in the mood for something light. Do recommend.
Posted July 22, 2023.
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2.5 hrs on record
My younger brother and I were planning to switch to Paladins ever since OW went basically down the drain and matches were no longer fun. He tried to recover his old account but was basically told "Welp, that's too bad". We're back to playing OW2.

On a more neutral and objective note-- fun little game if you just don't care too much or too deeply about anything that's going on. Spam abilities. Shoot at people. Hope you do something. Fun. But that's about it.
Posted July 4, 2023.
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3.3 hrs on record
This game definitely is worth giving it a try if you would like something to just turn your brain off to and vibe with.
Unpacking things, learning more about what's going on by subtle story telling, rearranging things as you like and later one chasing down whatever achievement you're still missing. About 3 hours of fun.
However, I think the 20 bucks price tag is a bit hefty. So I'd wait around for a sale like I did. Go try it.
Posted July 2, 2023.
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4.8 hrs on record
Just as good as the previous one.
Not much else needs to be said. There's a bunch of new stuff to explore and all of it is fun.
Posted June 6, 2023.
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2.5 hrs on record
The music can be a bit grating on the ears sometimes--
but other than that it's yet another short but enjoyable little game experience.
Do recommend it.
Posted May 27, 2023.
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3.4 hrs on record
Another great game by ChaniMK.
I've played a few of them now and I have to say that I don't regret a single purchase.
The game is relatively short, but very enjoyable.
Each route is unique in it's own way and even the bad endings are worth exploring.
Recommend giving it a try.
Posted May 26, 2023.
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