DSiren   Wisconsin, United States
Founder of [AIR] Alarmia Independent Research.
2,556 時間プレイ
I think this is my third positive review but i've been playing the game off and on for 4 years so don't judge me for writing multiple reviews as things change. Now I say this as someone who only recently crossed the 1000hrs mark that I am a noob. You who are reading this are a noob. From 0 hours to 10,000 hours you are still a noob as all individuals in this game are noobs. You as a single person will likely crash at least 2 painstakingly crafted ships per month. That is okay because you are a noob. You will never grow out of it because everything in this game is satisfying right down to seeing that ship you worked on for a month run out of fuel 2km in the air and plummet to the ground.

For people with knowledge of the game that preceeds reading this review such as youtube videos or the like, I would like to state that in the past few months every aspect of multiplayer has stabilized and improved. And therefore the one way to avoid noob status has arrived: gaming with friends. And this part is important as friends are what truly make this game fun. It has no story or backstory, it has no goals, and it has absolutely no satisfying end. But that's okay as we can be satisfied by the neverending outlet of a creative medium known as spaceengineers. This is a game for building working relationships through construction of totally amazing ships, stations, rovers, and capitol ships. This is a game that lets our inner child go to town for the sake of bragging rights.

And most importantly this is a game that can become anything more than what I've said if you put in the time and effort to make your inspiration a reality.
the GLAD is the first generation of AIR's Fighter Aircraft. This ship, while capable of soaking up damage and engaging in dogfights, specializes in chaotic engagements where a lot is going on around the pilot. The GLAD's 3 turrets can engage targets indepe
作成者 - DSiren
記録時間: 152 時間
6月9日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 71 時間
6月7日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 21 時間
6月7日 に最後にプレイ
puppy 2021年7月14日 1時39分 
what da dog doin
Detective James May 2020年10月26日 2時33分 
RoachLCP 2019年6月13日 18時53分 
DSiren 2019年2月6日 14時50分 
why tho
Kaaverik 2018年4月2日 6時01分 
ur still trash in my eyes bb
77 #REALMVP 2018年4月1日 20時48分 
I'll give you Widowmaker for a reason you didn't list and that is tank busting. But the Wrangler is soo good at tanking with its shield abilities. It actually stands a chance during the small bot crit spam which include Direct Hit Soldiers. And I don't think it's without question that the Jag is the best considering during that one Spy part it's impossible to keep a gun up.