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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.4 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 18, 2019 @ 11:57pm

Great improvements on the original Insurgency. They took a lot of the great aspects of games like Squad, and integrated them into a smaller and faster paced style of urban, round based combat. The weapons and class systems are well made and designed, but you will find yourself quickly getting used to the same weapons and optics, as well as noticing that most players are using the same weapons or weapon builds. The game can be very frustrating at times in combat situations, sometimes dying from seemingly nothing, being killed when unable to see anything, and sometimes that's just the way that it is in war. The community is great and while I typically get frustrated playing the game due to a SMALL minority of players that will abuse exploits or use 3rd party programs or cheats for an advantage, the community in this game is hilarious and you will find a lot of people that will make you laugh or are generally fun to talk to. I've found myself joining games more to talk than to actually play. When the game first came out, everything was pretty balanced. Now there are players that run tactics and stratedgy based on the maps and it just keeps players from being able to enjoy the game. This game takes a lot of catching up to do if you're thinking of joining at this point. Players have been putting hundreds of hours into it already and have been finding every angle and head glitch spot to shoot you from with their supressed SCAR with a 4x optic. The recoil and sensitivity settings are probably the biggest issue with the game currently. I've noticed and have seen many people commenting on this issue and it's just HARD to use weapons whereas I can pick up just about any game, tweak my sensitvity, and end up being a crack shot within 10-20 hours logged on it. I've always been incredibly good at aiming in video games and still am, but this game really brings trouble to me. If you don't have this issue, cudos to you and I'm glad you're enjoying the game, but this is just one of the biggest things that is holding this game's potential back in my eyes.

Overall, I think this game will continue to grow and hold onto its loyal community and grow into the future. Hopefully, the sweaty nerds will migrate into ranked play and leave the casual matches alone and the EAC anti cheat system will prevent people from teleporting to our spawn to shoot our entire team in the back at the start of the game.

As always, Allahu Akbar and remember to do your stretches at the start of the game.
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