Apitsolen ✟ Jesus is Lord ✟
Born in 1999. Eastern Orthodox.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀God is real and He is waiting for you.
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Ezekiel 9:4 "mark" is Tav (used to be written as cross)
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Most Christians should listen, especially protestants
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A lot of Saints and monks recommended and still recommend this great prayer.

There are some variations of it:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

You should pray (Jesus prayer) NONSTOP for AT LEAST 1-2 hours a day. You can even do your daily activities and pray in your mind. You can also mix it with Lord's prayer, prayers to Holy Mother, etc. For the best ways and techniques of Jesus prayer, you can go and find explanations by monks of Mount Athos or other monks.

But remember, dear ones, without faith, humility, love and undertanding of how great our God is - it's all useless.

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"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." - Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:16) ✟
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S T A R W O L F,

Men don't want to take responsibilities and lead the family, most men just gave up and only want sex from women, and even if some guys want to make a family there are almost no woman, who understands her family role, because most of them haven't seen father in their family + decades of media brainwashing, depicting good wife (housewife) as stupid, with low social status...so girls watching / listeting to all these garbage now want to be some grey rat on salary in some big corp (strong and independent ofc) instead of being mother and wife, and guys just want to fap all day long and do nothing (don't want to be strong leaders), everybody just confused, satan tricked humanity into this, we failed God again, hope He will be merciful towards us. I can go and go, how these all were planted decades ago, but i don't want to write a book here, because "Whoever has ears, let them hear" all these already were predicted by God.
S T A R W O L F,

If wife doesn't respect and listen to husband - whole family function is in danger, same if husband doesn't do his work as a leader and provider for family. Christian family is a key for a healty society, because no families (man, woman, kids) = broken society as we see today. Where everybody is confused and don't know their purposes in life, becasue they were raised in confused family with no fathers or weak ones. Family for today's people is just for sexual acts, and as soon as sexual attraction gets colder, adultery or just end of relationship comes, people don't care about God's commandments anymore, only thing people care is to have sex and money (95 % of "families" ruined today because these), that's why we are doomed.
S T A R W O L F,
I don't deny that we are different and that there were more male inventors than female, because of these physiological differences, my point was that for God souls in men and women are equal, these equal souls just have different wordly purposes here. Yeah, God made man a leader here and wife should respect and listen to her husband and husband should provide for her and protect her, and more importantly both must listen to God, because God made family to function like this, but it doesn't make man more important than woman in God's eyes, just different roles, equally important, so that's why God isn't sexist like you said.
S T A R W O L F 11 hours ago 
Thank you for the response and question. My answer is women can be foremen in almost all professions and skillsets of life albeit a bit more rare. From my experience the more sophisticated professions or lifestyles get or when an individual manages to combine multiple sophistications together the likelihood of it being a woman decreases. I don't believe that historic great inventors/leaders were almost all male simply because oppressive patriarchies existed.
S T A R W O L F,

But after death, I don't think it will matter, we all (man, woman, poor, rich, etc), because there won't be any worldly roles there, we will be just souls begging God for mercy and Heaven. So for God we all equal, but have different roles. Another analogy (gamer one) - MMORPG usually have different roles for dungeons or raids, so there are tanks and healers. Very different purposes and gameplay, but they are equally needed in any dung or raid, without both of them dung won't be completed. Sorry, I said same thing in 10 different words, I only wanted to explain my view on this topic.
S T A R W O L F,

They both needed and do different work in construction site, plumber will fail in electrician's work and electrician will fail in plumber's, so they both need to do what they were made to do. So, I have a question: is there any difference between them both in inportance for foreman? - I don't think so. For foreman, they both EQUAL and need to do their DIFFERENT job. God gave man a father and leader role and give him all physical and psychological attributes for that (in our reality all works only with hierarchy, because there is noone or nothing equal to God, so God always higher than any creation - so already a hierarchy), God gave woman mother and helpful assist role and gave all attributes for that.